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Haus der Musik

Haus der Musik

Museum dan Toko Musik
Innere Stadt, Wien
  • Bintang
    Salah satu 5 Museum terbaik di Wien
  • Tips
    Carl G.
    "Incredible exhibits on the history of classical music (musik klasik)."(4 Tips)
    Meredith H.
    "interactive exhibits (pameran)"(5 Tips)
    klement c.
    "Cathedral (katedral) and the Vienna State Opera."(3 Tips)
    Phil C.
    "Interesting experience for sure, well (sumur) worth a visit"(4 Tips)
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  • musik
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  • katedral
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  • Anton K.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Anton KlinkSeptember 21, 2015
    This was one of the best museums I have ever visited (and I have visited them in New York, Moscow, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Hong Kong etc). 50% discount for 20-22 but 2 hours is really not enough.
  • Dess S.
    Dess StoichkovaJanuari 9, 2015
    Totally amazing place that can make you feel like a child. The best two hours since long time ago :) Lots of virtual games, you can act as performer, make your own music, etc. It's a gem!!
  • Bianca P.
    Bianca PericoloJuli 25, 2013
    This museum is so cool! The atmosphere is different from any other place. You get to know new things about music and have lots of fun! You can get a night ticket and pay 50% less. Enjoy!!
  • klement c.
    klement cabanaMei 31, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 10+ kali
    An interactive discovery museum located in the heart of Vienna's first district nestled between St. Stephen's Cathedral and the Vienna State Opera. A host of interactive installations playfully commun Baca selanjutnya
  • MEININGER Hotels
    MEININGER HotelsApril 7, 2014
    An absolute “must do” (especially with kids) is a visit to Haus der Musik museum – the house of music. It is an interactive museum and there are plenty of experiments to try that are lots of fun
  • Lee L.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Lee LópezFebruari 28, 2018
    Bueno para visitar y los chicos hacen un muy buen trabajo en sus conciertos... aunque sobrepagados por los vendedores que estan afuera de la catedral de viena
  • Meredith H.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Meredith HullFebruari 10, 2015
    Incredibly good fun! The interactive exhibits are really enjoyable, as well as informative! Was surprised how much I enjoyed it- and well worth the ticket price!
  • ViennaInfo
    ViennaInfoJuli 9, 2014
    In der musikalischen Erlebniswelt im Herzen der Stadt wird Musik mit allen Sinnen erlebbar. Rieseninstrumente, Computer und modernste Technik laden zum Spielen, Experimentieren und Erforschen ein.
  • Artem🚀ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Artem🚀Agustus 10, 2014
    Отличный музей нового поколения, вот так и должен выглядеть настоящий музей музыки. Не пожалейте денег, интервента обеспечен
  • Dima F.
    Dima FNovember 11, 2013
    Чертовски познавательный музей! И про звук с научной точки зрения (2 интерактивный этаж),и с исторической - этаж посвящён по комнате на венского композитора - Гайдн, Моцарт, Бетховен, Шуберт и Штраусс
  • ViennaInfo
    ViennaInfoJuli 9, 2014
    In the musical adventure world in the heart of the city, music can be experienced with all of the senses. Giant instruments, computers and electronics are great for experimenting and discovering.
  • Mitch C.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Mitch CutmoreJuni 10, 2015
    A museum of two halves: the story of sound vs the classical back catalogue of Vienna. Depends what you fancy 🎼
  • Ângelo Miguel G.
    Ângelo Miguel GeraldoOktober 22, 2015
    A visita ao museu do som é prática e participativa, de modo a que os visitantes possam compor as suas próprias valsas, reger uma orquestra ou tocar instrumentos.
  • Andrey T.
    Andrey TopolianskiiFebruari 6, 2017
    Отличный, познавательный музей, интересно и взрослым и детям. Очень понравилось Дирижировать оркестром. Гид на русском языке бесплатно.
  • Carl G.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Carl GriffinDesember 16, 2015
    Incredible exhibits on the history of classical music.
  • Will M.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Will MooreFebruari 19, 2015
    Surprisingly excellent museum even for those with little interest in classical music. The interactive exhibits really keep your interest.
  • Janne B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Janne BavnhøjJuni 5, 2018
    Fantastic mix of traditional museums communication and use of new technologies.
  • Ece T.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Pleasant and funny place for music lovers, also suitable to visit with children
    Otel.comNovember 15, 2011
    Just a few minutes away from St. Stephen's Cathedral is Vienna's museum of sound and music. Exhibitions here include ancient instruments, interactive installations, and musical inventions.
  • Konstantin P.
    Konstantin PereiaslovOktober 21, 2016
    There is a huge focus on interactivity, lots of terminals with headphones and Kinects, and they are mostly boring/poorly working. Android App is unusable.
  • Cagri A.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Cagri AkgurJuni 29, 2023
    Very good interactive and fun music museum
  • John A.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    John AdamsJanuari 29, 2017
    Great museum on the musical history of Vienna with plenty of interactive displays.
  • Emine B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Emine BiçenFebruari 17, 2018
    Especially children like listening to different sounds and voices. They spend enjoyable time. It’s wonderfull.
  • ViennaInfo
    ViennaInfoMaret 22, 2012
    Take yourself on a musical journey in Vienna's singular Museum of Sound and observe the great composers or look at the musical future of computer music. Baca selanjutnya
  • Yone L.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Yone LOktober 29, 2018
    Visit the music after 8pm the entrance ticket is half off
  • Joury A.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Joury AlSeptember 29, 2015
    Love it! Starting from the musical stairs until boutique! For the people who really fee music
  • Jon P.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Jon PressmanJuni 28, 2015
    Everything about music and sound here. Not just classic music. Worth the time.
  • Emiliano V.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Emiliano ViscarraSeptember 16, 2016
    Different museum from what you are used to. A lot of information around classic music.
  • Altug S.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Altug SemizMaret 31, 2018
    Müzik hakkında herşey
  • Harumi S.
    Harumi ShimokawaOktober 29, 2014
    Lugar tranquilo e muito interessante. € 12 mas existe o Night Ticket após as 20:00, que paga € 6. O museu vai até as 22:00!
  • Esmaikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    EsmaApril 16, 2014
    Das Haus der Musik ist ein modernes, interaktives Klangmuseum in der Wiener Innenstadt, Interessant für Groß und Klein.
  • Ilaria M.
    Ilaria MangiardiApril 27, 2013
    Second floor is the funniest. Take the survey at the end of your visit to get a 10% discount at the shop!
    CITY SPOTS WIENJuni 20, 2011
    Ask for CITY SPOTS, the annotated City Map of Vienna (free!). If you like HAUS DER MUSIK, then you may like the other recommendations as well.
  • Chris K.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Chris KuzanJuli 31, 2023
    Great interactive museum about music.
  • Mike R.
    Mike RugnettaNovember 2, 2015
    Make your own musique concrete piece in the Evolution of Sound exhibit! Really fun.
  • Monikaikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    MonikaJanuari 9, 2017
    take your time - you should plan about 3 hours to try everything!
  • Ольга Ц.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Очень интересный музыкальный дом! Советую посетить обязательно!)
  • Nathan C.
    Nathan CaineAgustus 21, 2013
    Go after 8pm and get a 'night ticket' for half price!
  • kokolou
    kokolouApril 22, 2010
    It's one of the greates museums ever, cool expirience with interactive activities, the best one, you get to direct the Vienna Philarmonic Orchestra !
  • Vanina I.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Vanina IvanovaDesember 31, 2014
    A highly entertaining place for both children and adults. Staff is very friendly.
  • Dima F.
    Dima FNovember 11, 2013
    Определил тут свой звуковой порог - после 12000 герц перестаю слышать писк в наушниках AKG. На кой тогда все эти наушники от 16 до 20Кгц? :))
  • Настя К.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Very interactive museum) You get to compose your own piece
  • Alexey R.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Alexey RomanovAgustus 10, 2013
    There is a piano which you can play provided "you are able to". Ask for permission at the cash desk.
  • Tatiana S.
    Tatiana SDesember 22, 2014
    Много интересного, можно дирижировать оркестром!
  • Alexandra
    AlexandraFebruari 8, 2015
    Все хвалят этот музей, а по мне так он не представляет особой ценности. Для меня (музыканта), скучно. Прикольно лишь дирижирование оркестром.
  • Dess S.
    Dess StoichkovaJanuari 9, 2015
    The best place in Vienna suitable for every age :)
  • Laura H.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Laura HaleDesember 24, 2019
    €13 entry fee for adults. Very kid friendly museum. Wouldn't do when lots of crowds.
  • Selcuk B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Selcuk BilginOktober 12, 2016
    Music is fantastic
  • Lívia d.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Lívia de LizNovember 1, 2015
    Interessantíssimo e super interativo!
  • Katie
    KatieMaret 27, 2013
    Wasn't very into the science-y stuff, but the history of the Vienna Philharmonic and the rooms for each composer were all great.
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