Horse Shoe Cafe

Horse Shoe Cafe

Restoran Amerika, Kafe, dan Tempat Sarapan$$$$
Horse Shoe
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  • Jennifer M.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Jennifer Moots LeeAgustus 10, 2014
    Having anyone wait on me(standing at the counter for nearly 8 minutes)was getting frustrating. Everything happens for a reason right? Getting to use my EMS skills, free coffee and muffins=score! Thx!
  • JD M.
    JD MorseJuli 4, 2014
    This place was great. Very friendly staff. Food was good. Nice atmosphere. Go there.
  • Thomas A.
    Thomas AylottJuni 4, 2015
    Used to be our favorite, but all our favorite people left. We never come here anymore
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