Social Media Class
J.Crew is one of Social Media Class.

1. J.Crew

2500 N Mayfair Rd #404 (in Mayfair Mall), Wauwatosa, WI
Toko Pakaian · 3 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: Great store! Show your student I.D at the regular store or the factory store for 15% off your purchase!

Milwaukee Public Market is one of Social Media Class.

2. Milwaukee Public Market

400 N Water St (at E St. Paul Ave.), Milwaukee, WI
Pasar · Juneau Town · 227 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: Next time you're here try the red velvet pop cake, delicious!!

St. Joan of Arc Chapel is one of Social Media Class.

3. St. Joan of Arc Chapel

1415 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI
Gereja · Marquette · 26 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: Before you graduate from MU make sure to stop inside or go to the 10pm mass on tuesday nights! Very cool experience

Papa John's Pizza is one of Social Media Class.

4. Papa John's Pizza

1611 W Wells St, Milwaukee, WI
Restoran Piza · Marquette · 7 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: Also don't forget Tuesday's are $5 large pizza day!

Papa John's Pizza is one of Social Media Class.

5. Papa John's Pizza

1611 W Wells St, Milwaukee, WI
Restoran Piza · Marquette · 7 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: If you are a student you get the student special which is $7.99 for a large pizza!

Brew Bayou Coffee Shop is one of Social Media Class.

6. Brew Bayou Coffee Shop

1442 W Wisconsin Ave (at Alumni Memorial Union), Milwaukee, WI
Warung Kopi · Marquette · 40 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: Grab some coffee to warm up today. It is also two punch tuesday for your frequent drinker card!

Alumni Memorial Union (AMU) is one of Social Media Class.

7. Alumni Memorial Union (AMU)

1442 W Wisconsin Ave (15th St), Milwaukee, WI
Pusat Siswa · Marquette · 62 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: The AMU is a great place to eat lunch with friends, grab a cup of coffee, gain insightful information at the info desk, or simply do some homework!

Luci Boutique is one of Social Media Class.

8. Luci Boutique

532 N Water St, Milwaukee, WI
Butik · Juneau Town · 7 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: Such an awesome store, always have cute and new clothing! They always have great deals, right now if you buy any dress you get the second one for 60% off! All LUCI's tops and sweaters are also 20% off

Milwaukee Art Museum is one of Social Media Class.

9. Milwaukee Art Museum

700 N Art Museum Dr (btwn Lagoon Dr & Michigan St), Milwaukee, WI
Museum Seni · Lake Park · 128 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: There is a new exhibit "Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Gainsborough: The Treasures of Kenwood House, London". MAM is the one of four museum's in the US to have this exhibit!

Swig is one of Social Media Class.

10. Swig

217 N Broadway (btw Chicago St & Buffalo St), Milwaukee, WI
Restoran Amerika · Historic Third Ward · 52 tips dan ulasan

Jen B.Jen Bergman: The smoked salmon tower is the perfect appetizer to share with someone! Delicious!