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Kaba Curry

Kaba Curry

(Sekarang Tutup)
Restoran Asia dan Restoran Jepang$$$$
Las Vegas
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  • Shane Dee F.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Shane Dee F3rgussonSeptember 12, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    best Japanese curry in Las Vegas! if your a fan of cocos you must try this
  • Mervyn Jed T.
    Mervyn Jed TalatalaSeptember 23, 2013
    Make it at least at spice level 3. You're welcome
  • Alexander M.
    Alexander MillerMei 6, 2016
    I don't know what's good here. Couldn't find the location. Is it still here? Ended up going to this Vietnamese sandwich place that had curry.
  • Matt S.
    Matt SteffeyMei 11, 2013
    Bomb food and awesome owners.
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