Foursquare © 2025 Dibuat dengan penuh cinta di NYC, CHI, SEA, & LA
Pasar Swalayan
Kauppakeskus Kaari (Kantelettarentie 1)
"Open 24h. For those who like to do their shopping outside rush hours."
Kauppakeskus Kaari (Kantelettarentie 1)
"Part is open 24/7, car charging are not open 24/7"
Toko Anggur
Kauppakeskus Kaari (Kantelettarentie 1)
"Переехал на первый этаж. Теперь намного удобнее."
Kauppakeskus Ristikko
Ajomiehentie 1
"Best parking (warm hall, big spots) in the capital region. Just drive to the hall from the side entry, or if you go from the main entry, go all the way back behind the entrance. The spots are HUGE."
Kauppakeskus Ruoholahti
Itämerenkatu 21
"Probably one of the best grocery stores in town. Other than that there's nothing else to do in there after replacing kodin1 with jysk"
Kauppakeskus Kamppi
Urho Kekkosen katu 1
"Nice mall, also a great bus station. A lot of different restaurants and cafés."
Kauppakeskus Kaari (Kantelettarentie 1)
"Decent selection of everything. Next best thing after the huge Sokos in the city center."
Coffee House
Warung Kopi · €€
Kaaren Kulma (Kantelettarentie 1)
"Great ice lattes and choice of flavors and milks. Way better than Velo in the same mall."
Dibuat oleh Kaj Grahn
14 poin • 1 pengikut
Dibuat oleh Sari Waldén
11 poin • 2 pengikut
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