My muslim bros and sis, many non-muslim tourists come 2 visit our holy place. Lets be nice, kind and friendly 2 them. Thats the character of a true Muslim. May Allah guide all of us to true path. Amin
Impressive mosque with free entry. Complimentary robe & headscarf is provided for those whose arms/legs aren't covered. You can view inside the main temple but only enter if to pray.
Open to tourist to observe freely. Everyone there was really friendly. Amazing architecture befitting and exemplifies Muslimartistry culture. You wear a rob if u have shorts & full cover for women
Distinguished rooftop..the main hall rooftop imitate umbrella fully open...on top of minaret is umbrella fully countrymen burial is half open umbrella..symbolise dunia, barzakh and akhirat
Don't ever travel there by car for Friday Prayer especially when you're late. You'll regret. Walking or Monorail will be better if you're in the right timing. But, with motorcycle will be much better.
Solat itu tiang agama. Solat itu juga menjadi kayu pengukur seseorang muslim. Solat merupakan Rukun Islam ke-2. Solat 5 waktu wajib ditunaikan. Kesimpulannya, Jangan tinggal solat ye kawan2. ^^
Masjid Negara was built in 1965 and it has a capacity of 15,000 people and is situated among 13 acres (53,000 m2) of beautiful gardens. Proud to be Muslim.
..ader kawasan perkuboran kat dalam masjid neh..untok pemimpin jer rasernyer kot..penghormatan terakhir pader yang dikebumikan diatas jasa yang dicurahkan..
Nice to go to know a Mosque, but there are many excursions that don't respect the queue and no explanation from the staff. They have clothes to lend if you aren't dressed appropriately.
As one of Southeast Asia's largest mosques, its unique modern design embodies a contemporary expression of traditional Islamic art, calligraphy and ornamentation.
Better take a Grab or Texi to come here. Parking lot are limited for a Beautiful Mosque that can fit 35000 people at one time. Come and pray to Allah 😍
The National Mosque of Malaysia is located in Kuala Lumpur. It has a capacity of 15,000 people and is situated among 13 acres (53,000 m2) of beautiful gardens.
Beautiful peaceful place. However, the minders should be trained to deal with tourists a bit better. Saw a poor japanese couple being rudely shooed away because they weren’t properly attired.
As Salamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah! Semoga Kita Dibawah Rahmat Dan Hidayah Allah swt! Tunaikan Hak Allah swt antaranya SOLAT 5 Waktu! Kenali kami - ...
get there early, open between 9~12, 3~4, 7~8, if you want to be in for 3, get there at 230. the line when we left at 320 was so long I don't think everyone got in