Museum für Moderne Kunst

Museum für Moderne Kunst

Museum Seni
Altstadt, Frankfurt am Main
  • Tips
    Francisco G.
    "¡Espectacular, la exposición (pameran) de Franz West es excelente!"(4 Tips)
    "Very well (sumur) designed."(2 Tips)
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  • Jeannette S.
    Jeannette SchroederJuli 14, 2013
    The planning of the museum building itself is fascinating. It was obviously built with an eye towards the collections it would hold. Overlooks, asymmetric rooms, and stairs to small display rooms.
    Suara positif5Suara negatif
  • Minicards F.
    Minicards FrankfurtAgustus 30, 2011
    MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst is one of the world’s most important museums of contemporary art and has established a firm place for itself in the international museum scene. Baca selanjutnya
    Suara positif4Suara negatif
  • Aliikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    AliJuni 25, 2017
    Very well designed. Visited when they had a retrospective of #caroleeschneemann, and if all of their exhibitions are organized and produced on that level, all art lovers MUST visit this place.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Ulrike S.
    Ulrike SchmidMaret 20, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 25+ kali
    Am 24. 4. findet hier ab 18.30 ein Kultur-Tweetup (#KultUp) zur Ausstellung "Rineke Dijkstra, The Krazy House" statt. Die Veranstaltung ist offen für alle mit Twitter-Account. Infos unter @KultUp
    Suara positif3Suara negatif
  • Ana
    AnaJanuari 19, 2016
    The Fact Of The Matter- very entertaining and original, definetely worth a visit
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Sündos K.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Sündos KadJanuari 5, 2016
    Very modern design of the building. Like a piece of cake 🍰 Unfortunately I can't enter because I was there on Monday which is the holiday day of it.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • H R.
    H RMei 26, 2013
    Schönes Museum zu moderner Kunst. Die Ausstellung war faszinierend. Besonders gut hat mir auch die öffentliche Führung gefallen!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Anna R.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Anna RudnitskayaJanuari 7, 2015
    Интересная экспозиция, можно купит входной билет сразу в несколько зданий музея.
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
  • Ondrejikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    OndrejJuni 2, 2018
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    The building itself is a piece of art.The exhibitions are changing regularly so check what's in there before you go.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Sarah F. P.
    Sarah F. ParsonsDesember 28, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    I still prefer the Schirn Kunsthalle or The Portikus, both nearby, as well as the Staedel, my fav FRA museum
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Ulrike S.
    Ulrike SchmidMaret 9, 2012
    Pernah ke sini 25+ kali
    Am 22. 3. wird hier ab 12.30 über die Andy-Warhol-Ausstellung getwittert. Der Tweetup mit Kuratorenführung ist offen für alle (mit Twitter-Account) und dauert circa 1 Stunde. #ktwpffm
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Tiffanyikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    TiffanyJuli 15, 2013
    The Franz West exhibition is amazing! The collection is quite impressive! A museum to follow!
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
  • dan b.
    dan barkerApril 15, 2018
    Really nice building. Be aware it's a 15 min walk from mmk1 to mmk2 (a nice walk)
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Axel M.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Axel MichelOktober 1, 2017
    If art takes itself too important, I am loosing interest very fast. Some objects and installations are quite impressive, but there is closely no background information, expensive for what you get.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Kenny V.
    Kenny VermeulenMei 24, 2015
    Beautiful building. Interesting artwork and ok prices. Must visit.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Moritz B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Moritz BleibliebJanuari 1, 2013
    One of the top art Museums in Germany - a "must have seen"!
    Suara positif2Suara negatif
  • Emanuele B.
    Emanuele BevilacquaOktober 16, 2011
    Moderne Kunst is not a must see museum. But you can admire some Francis bacon and Andy Warhol works
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Francisco G.
    Francisco GOktober 5, 2013
    ¡Espectacular, la exposición de Franz West es excelente!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Abdullah J.
    Abdullah JefriJuli 27, 2013
    To be able to take pictures you'll need a photography permit first.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Dorit C.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Dorit CSeptember 5, 2014
    interessante Architektur und Sammlung
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Garrett L.
    Garrett LeSageNovember 3, 2017
    Pretty much nothing, as that's what's on display. Almost everything was empty and blocked off. It felt like a huge ripoff.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Jörn E.
    Jörn EickholtFebruari 26, 2010
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    immer super wechselnde Ausstellungen und gegenüber im alten Hauptzollamt sind ebenfalls (meistens kostenlos) Sonderausstellungen
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Ilseken R.
    Ilseken RoscherMaret 16, 2013
    Großartig: App zur Ausstellung!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Andreas T.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Andreas ToschkaDesember 29, 2014
    Ich mag dieses Museum.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Astrid Z.
    Astrid ZecchiniMaret 30, 2013
    On the last saturday of the month free entrance
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Thomas O.
    Thomas OlsenMaret 29, 2014
    Pernah ke sini 25+ kali
    Letzter Samstag im Monat Eintritt frei
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
  • Nikos Z.
    Nikos ZindrosSeptember 13, 2015
    Very interesting!!!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • IraK
    IraKFebruari 2, 2012
    Заставили отдать сумку с личными вещами. Типа слишком огромная, пришлось перекладывать по карманам все ключи деньги телефоны. На фотоаппарат тоже нужно заполнить бумажку.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Irvin P.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Irvin PadillaJanuari 8, 2015
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Carsten F.
    Carsten FischerFebruari 28, 2012
    Bis 25.03.2012: Douglas Gordon. Mein Highlight: Over my shoulder.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Jörn E.
    Jörn EickholtFebruari 28, 2010
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    Derzeitige Ausstellung: Radical Conception
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Wechselausstellungen
    WechselausstellungenFebruari 12, 2012
    Warhol: Headlines. Ausstellung über Schlagzeilen und Massenmedien Baca selanjutnya
    Suara positifSuara negatif1
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