Patches Pastries
Toko Roti · $
1693 G St
Cafe Brio
Kafe · $
791 G St (at 8th St)
"Chocolate strawberry tart is delish! Rich chocolate flavor and super creamy texture!"
T's Cafe
860 10th St
"This place has great blackberry mimosas and fresh local food! Smoked Albacore sandwich was fantastic!"
Coffee Break International Internet Cafe
700 Bayside Road
"Great study spot! Awesome and quiet location. Good coffee drinks too."
Trinidad State Beach
Taman Negara Bagian / Provinsi
4150 Patrick’s Point Dr.
"Beautiful to watch sunsets & rises hard to walk on the 45* angle of the sand.. Walk on the surf is heaven."
Wildberries Marketplace
Pasar Swalayan
747 13th St (btwn G St. and H St.)
"Added their smoked pork chops (great value!) to my fav regulars - fresh wheatgrass, grilled salmon, and Rocky's fried drumsticks"
101 Gems
Dibuat oleh Frank3 poin
Dibuat oleh Billy Leet7 poin
Alex’s Arcata Adventure
Dibuat oleh Alexandra Michelle20 poin • 1 pengikut
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