Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip
The Royal Park Hotel Kyoto Sanjo is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

1. The Royal Park Hotel Kyoto Sanjo

(ザ ロイヤルパークホテル 京都三条)
中京区中島町74 (三条通河原町東入ル), Kyoto, 京都府
Hotel · 17 tips dan ulasan
Ogawa Coffee The Cafe is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

2. Ogawa Coffee The Cafe

75 Nishikyogoku Kitashozakaicho, Kyoto, 京都府
Warung Kopi · 2 tips dan ulasan
Bistro Grelot is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

3. Bistro Grelot

Restoran Perancis · 3 tips dan ulasan
河道屋 養老 is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

4. 河道屋 養老

左京区聖護院西町2, Kyoto, 京都府
Restoran Jepang · 3 tips dan ulasan
Hankyu Department Store is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

5. Hankyu Department Store

北区角田町8-7, Osaka, 大阪府
Toserba · 梅田 · 76 tips dan ulasan
Umeda Sky Building is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

6. Umeda Sky Building

北区大淀中1-1-88, Osaka, 大阪府
Gedung Kantor · 88 tips dan ulasan
bibim’ is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

7. bibim’

駅前町188-1 (ピオレ1 B1F), Himeji, 兵庫県
Restoran Korea · 2 tips dan ulasan
Himeji Castle is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

8. Himeji Castle

本町68, Himeji, 兵庫県
Puri · 姫路市 · 100 tips dan ulasan
nana's green tea is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

9. nana's green tea

駅前町188-1 (ピオレ姫路 3F), Himeji, 兵庫県
Kafe · 4 tips dan ulasan
Aoyama is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

10. Aoyama

Tokyo, 東京都
Selingkungan · 2 tips dan ulasan
Minato is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

11. Minato

Kota · 13 tips dan ulasan
Imperial Palace is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

12. Imperial Palace

千代田1-1, Tokyo, 東京都
Istana · 皇居 · 123 tips dan ulasan
Kabukicho Ichiban-gai is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

13. Kabukicho Ichiban-gai

Tokyo, 東京都
Selingkungan · 5 tips dan ulasan
Shinjuku is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

14. Shinjuku

Tokyo, 東京都
Selingkungan · 30 tips dan ulasan
Shinjuku Granbell Hotel is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

15. Shinjuku Granbell Hotel

歌舞伎町2-14-5, 新宿区, 東京都
Hotel · 26 tips dan ulasan
Velours is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

16. Velours

南青山6-4-6 (オルモストブルー B1F), Tokyo, 東京都
Bar Koktail · 西麻布 · 3 tips dan ulasan
Ginza is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

17. Ginza

Tokyo, 東京都
Selingkungan · 40 tips dan ulasan
Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

18. Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C.

日本橋2-4-1, 中央区, 東京都
Toserba · 43 tips dan ulasan
Park Hyatt Tokyo is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

19. Park Hyatt Tokyo

西新宿3-7-1-2 (新宿パークタワー), 新宿区, 東京都
Hotel · 西新宿 · 124 tips dan ulasan
Nishi-Shinjuku is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

20. Nishi-Shinjuku

新宿区, 東京都
Selingkungan · 3 tips dan ulasan
Printemps Ginza is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

21. Printemps Ginza

銀座3-2-1, Tokyo, 東京都
Toserba · 銀座 · 12 tips dan ulasan
Mitsukoshi is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

22. Mitsukoshi

銀座4-6-16, Tokyo, 東京都
Toserba · 銀座 · 102 tips dan ulasan
Kabukiza Theatre is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

23. Kabukiza Theatre

銀座4-12-15 (歌舞伎座タワー), Tokyo, 東京都
Teater · 銀座 · 86 tips dan ulasan
SOMETHIN' Jazz Club (Miles' Cafe) is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

24. SOMETHIN' Jazz Club (Miles' Cafe)

池袋1-8-8 (池袋労働基準協会ビル B1・2), Tokyo, 東京都
Loka Jazz dan Blues · 池袋 · 1 tips
Ueno Park is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

25. Ueno Park

上野公園/池之端3, 台東区, 東京都
Taman · 171 tips dan ulasan
Bal Pinolo is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

26. Bal Pinolo

銀座5-1 (銀座ファイブ B1F), Tokyo, 東京都
Restoran Italia · 銀座 · 5 tips dan ulasan
Thrush Cafe is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

27. Thrush Cafe

白金台1-1-1 (八芳園内), Tokyo, 東京都
Kafe · 白金台 · 5 tips dan ulasan
Akihabara is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

28. Akihabara

Tokyo, 東京都
Selingkungan · 45 tips dan ulasan
Shibuya Mark City is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

29. Shibuya Mark City

道玄坂1-12-1, Tokyo, 東京都
Pusat Bisnis · 道玄坂 · 36 tips dan ulasan
ageHa is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

30. ageHa

新木場2-2-10 (スタジオコースト), 江東区, 東京都
Klub malam · 25 tips dan ulasan
MADO LOUNGE is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.


(マド ラウンジ)
六本木6-10-1 (六本木ヒルズ 森タワー 52F 東京シティービュー内), 港区, 東京都
Restoran Italia · 13 tips dan ulasan
Roppongi Hills Mori Tower is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

32. Roppongi Hills Mori Tower

六本木6-10-1, 港区, 東京都
Pusat Bisnis · 29 tips dan ulasan
Takeshita Street is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

33. Takeshita Street

神宮前1, Tokyo, 東京都
Jalan · 原宿 · 110 tips dan ulasan
Meiji Jingu Shrine is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

34. Meiji Jingu Shrine

代々木神園町1-1, Tokyo, 東京都
Tempat Suci · 明治神宮 · 223 tips dan ulasan
ROYAL FLASH神宮前 is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.


神宮前6-18-8, Tokyo, 東京都
Toko Pakaian · 北青山 · Tak ada tips atau ulasan
Mitsukoshi is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

36. Mitsukoshi

恵比寿4-20-7, Tokyo, 東京都
Toserba · 恵比寿 · 18 tips dan ulasan
Harajuku Street is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

37. Harajuku Street

神宮前, Tokyo, 東京都
Jalan · 千駄ヶ谷 · 11 tips dan ulasan
MYSTERIOUS is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.


歌舞伎町1-16-13 (新宿スクエアビル B1F), Tokyo, 東京都
Bar · 歌舞伎町 · 3 tips dan ulasan
Stasiun Shinjuku is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

39. Stasiun Shinjuku

新宿3/西新宿1/代々木2, 新宿区, 東京都
Stasiun Kereta · Shinjuku · 251 tips dan ulasan
Tokyo Solamachi is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

40. Tokyo Solamachi

押上1-1-2, Tokyo, 東京都
Pusat Perbelanjaan · 押上 · 45 tips dan ulasan
Tokyo Skytree Station (TS02) is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

41. Tokyo Skytree Station (TS02)

押上1-1-4 (東武スカイツリーライン), Tokyo, 東京都
Stasiun Kereta · 押上 · 26 tips dan ulasan
Stasiun Kyoto is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

42. Stasiun Kyoto

下京区東塩小路町/東塩小路高倉町/東塩小路釜殿町, Kyoto, 京都府
Stasiun Kereta · 274 tips dan ulasan
JR Shin-Ōsaka Station is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

43. JR Shin-Ōsaka Station

(JR 新大阪駅)
淀川区西中島5-16-1, Osaka, 大阪府
Stasiun Kereta · 淀川区 · 150 tips dan ulasan
Himeji Station is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

44. Himeji Station

駅前町188, Himeji, 兵庫県
Stasiun Kereta · 67 tips dan ulasan
Ōsaka Station is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

45. Ōsaka Station

北区梅田3-1-1, Osaka, 大阪府
Stasiun Kereta · 235 tips dan ulasan
Osaka is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

46. Osaka

Kota · 19 tips dan ulasan
National Museum of Art, Osaka is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

47. National Museum of Art, Osaka

北区中之島4-2-55, Osaka, 大阪府
Museum Seni · 中之島 · 23 tips dan ulasan
Brasserie & Wine Cafe BUZZ is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

48. Brasserie & Wine Cafe BUZZ

北区小松原町2-4 (大阪富国生命ビル 1F), Osaka, 大阪府
Kafe · 2 tips dan ulasan
Cafe de Miki with Hello Kitty is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

49. Cafe de Miki with Hello Kitty

駅前町309 (ラボビル1F), Himeji, 兵庫県
Warung Kopi · 5 tips dan ulasan
六傳屋 先斗町店 is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

50. 六傳屋 先斗町店

下樵木町199, 中京区, 京都府
Restoran Jepang · 5 tips dan ulasan
SENT JAMES CLUB 本店 is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.


下京区斎藤町140-19 (木屋町四条下ル), Kyoto, 京都府
Bar · 1 tips
Gion is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

52. Gion

Kyoto, 京都府
Selingkungan · 29 tips dan ulasan
sentido is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

53. sentido

中京区笹屋町445, Kyoto, 京都府
Kafe · 24 tips dan ulasan
Heian Jingu Shrine is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

54. Heian Jingu Shrine

左京区岡崎西天王町97, Kyoto, 京都府
Tempat Suci · 左京区 · 33 tips dan ulasan
To-ji Pagoda is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

55. To-ji Pagoda

(東寺 五重塔)
南区九条町1, Kyoto, 京都府
Kuil Budha · 21 tips dan ulasan
Sanjusangen-do is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

56. Sanjusangen-do

東山区三十三間堂廻り町657, Kyoto, 京都府
Kuil Budha · 72 tips dan ulasan
Fushimi Inari Taisha is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

57. Fushimi Inari Taisha

伏見区深草藪之内町68, Kyoto, 京都府
Tempat Suci · 363 tips dan ulasan
Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

58. Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima

南区元宇品町23-1, Hiroshima, 広島県
Hotel · 16 tips dan ulasan
Hiroshima is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

59. Hiroshima

Kota · 6 tips dan ulasan
Atomic Bomb Dome is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

60. Atomic Bomb Dome

中区大手町1-10, Hiroshima, 広島県
Situs Bersejarah dan Dilindungi · 87 tips dan ulasan
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

61. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

中区中島町1-2, Hiroshima, 広島県
Museum Sejarah · 86 tips dan ulasan
MABUI Hiroshima Namiki dori Oyster Bar is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

62. MABUI Hiroshima Namiki dori Oyster Bar

中区三川町3-12 (カールビル 1F), Hiroshima, 広島県
Restoran Hidangan Laut · 7 tips dan ulasan
Mitsukoshi is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

63. Mitsukoshi

中区胡町5-1, Hiroshima, 広島県
Toserba · 7 tips dan ulasan
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

64. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

中区中島町1-1-10, Hiroshima, 広島県
Taman · 57 tips dan ulasan
Itsukushima Shrine is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

65. Itsukushima Shrine

宮島町1-1, Hatsukaichi, 広島県
Tempat Suci · 90 tips dan ulasan
Senjokaku Pavilion is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

66. Senjokaku Pavilion

(豊国神社 (千畳閣))
宮島町1-1 (厳島神社境内), Hatsukaichi, 広島県
Tempat Suci · 13 tips dan ulasan
ばくだん屋 is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

67. ばくだん屋

南区松原町1-2 (広島新幹線名店街 1F), Hiroshima, 広島県
Restoran Ramen · 8 tips dan ulasan
Le Baron de Paris is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

68. Le Baron de Paris

南青山3-8-40 (青山センタービル B1F), Tokyo, 東京都
Klub malam · 青山 · 10 tips dan ulasan
TWO ROOMS Grill | Bar is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

69. TWO ROOMS Grill | Bar

北青山3-11-7 (AOビル 5F), Tokyo, 東京都
Warung Steak · 北青山 · 52 tips dan ulasan

70. Las Chicas 高輪店

高輪4-8-4 (B1F), Tokyo, 東京都
Kafe · 五反田 · Tak ada tips atau ulasan
Las Chicas Aoyama is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

71. Las Chicas Aoyama

神宮前5-47-6, Tokyo, 東京都
Restoran · 北青山 · 10 tips dan ulasan
Bandar Udara Internasional Narita (NRT) is one of Ted and Leigh Japan 2014 Trip.

72. Bandar Udara Internasional Narita (NRT)

古込1-1, 成田市, 千葉県
Bandara Internasional · 931 tips dan ulasan