Don't be freaked out if you're separated from your friends - it's a lot more fun to swap stories about what you each saw afterwards! Apparently the orgy scene was THE thing to see but I missed it :(
More trippy than you can imagine. Chase after the actors and hope they usher you into the secret house music room that includes a full male nude actor and fake bloody baby. I.n.s.a.n.e
No matter where you've been/what you've seen, you've never experienced anything quite like this. Don't read reviews, don't hesitate, don't think about it - JUST FUCKING GO. You'll thank me later.
Don't be afraid to open closets - sometimes you can walk through them + into secret rooms! For news on amazing things to do in NY, LA + Miami visit
while waiting in line outside convince your friend to go to the bar across the street, order drinks, and sneak them out for you. the sleep no more bouncer won't let you in with them, so guzzle em down
You can no longer bring your bag in...must check, and this includes purses. Have pockets or you will have to hold your money, coat check ticket in your hand! Coat check girl a complete rude bitch.
The book they're selling at the end does not have the stuff they say it does in it! Should've looked more closely before buying. There is no scene map and the synopsis only lists Macbeth's scenes. :(