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To rome with food
Il Gianfornaio is one of To rome with food.

1. Il Gianfornaio

Largo Maresciallo Diaz 14, Roma, Latium
Toko Roti · della Vittoria · 6 tips dan ulasan
Dolce is one of To rome with food.

2. Dolce

Via Tripolitania, 4 (Via Tripoli), Roma, Latium
Toko Makanan Pencuci Mulut · Trieste · 74 tips dan ulasan
Fa-Bìo is one of To rome with food.

3. Fa-Bìo

Via Germanico 71, Roma, Latium
Toko Sandwich · Prati · 44 tips dan ulasan
Pompi is one of To rome with food.

4. Pompi

Via Albalonga, 7-9-11 (Piazza dei Re di Roma), Roma, Latium
Toko Makanan Pencuci Mulut · 337 tips dan ulasan
Ali Babà Kebab is one of To rome with food.

5. Ali Babà Kebab

Via Carroceto, 96 (Via dell'Arco di Travertino), Roma, Latium
Restoran Kebab · Tuscolano · 86 tips dan ulasan
Necci dal 1924 is one of To rome with food.

6. Necci dal 1924

Via Fanfulla da Lodi 68, Roma, Latium
Bar · 126 tips dan ulasan
Fonderia is one of To rome with food.

7. Fonderia

Via Fontanellato 50, Roma, Latium
Toko Kue Mangkuk · Ardeatino · 7 tips dan ulasan
Porto Fluviale is one of To rome with food.

8. Porto Fluviale

Via del Porto Fluviale, 22 (Via delle Conce), Roma, Latium
Restoran Italia · Ostiense · 141 tips dan ulasan
Foodoo is one of To rome with food.

9. Foodoo

Viale Medaglie d'Oro, 342, Roma, Latium
Restoran Italia · Trionfale · 8 tips dan ulasan
La Calzoleria is one of To rome with food.

10. La Calzoleria

Via Prenestina, 28, Roma, Latium
Klub malam · Tuscolano · 2 tips dan ulasan
Hamburgeseria is one of To rome with food.

11. Hamburgeseria

Via dei Reti, 40 (Via dei Piceni), Roma, Latium
Kedai Burger · 31 tips dan ulasan
La Fata Ignorante is one of To rome with food.

12. La Fata Ignorante

Via Giuseppe Giulietti, 5-5/A-7 (Via Ostiense), Roma, Latium
Gastropub · Testaccio · 13 tips dan ulasan
Mondo Arancina is one of To rome with food.

13. Mondo Arancina

Piazzale Clodio, 50, Roma, Latium
Restoran Cepat Saji · della Vittoria · 11 tips dan ulasan
Hang Zhou da Sonia is one of To rome with food.

14. Hang Zhou da Sonia

Via Principe Eugenio, 82 (Via Nino Bixio), Roma, Latium
Restoran Cina · Esquilino · 46 tips dan ulasan