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Tin Roof

Tin Roof

Bar Koktail dan Restoran Amerika$$$$
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    "I had cream of mushroom soup and a grilled cheese (keju)."(2 Tips)
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  • Chris B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Chris BlastingOktober 21, 2015
    Cocktails are amazing!! I got the B.L.T.A.C. and that was also delicious. Really fresh food, but expect to wait for it. Totally worth it though
    Suara positif2Suara negatif
  • Shycuikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    ShycuMaret 9, 2017
    Wandered in after a tour at Amazon. Food was exceptional. I had cream of mushroom soup and a grilled cheese. The dimly lit bar was begging me to stay for a martini but I was "on the clock."
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
  • John F.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    John FaroMaret 19, 2016
    $1 PBR 16oz cans. Real craft cocktails.
    Suara positif2Suara negatif
  • Rachel B.
    Rachel BlevinsAgustus 17, 2014
    I loved it! The custom drink list is spectacular! It is just what this area needs, something different!
    Suara positif2Suara negatif
  • Sean D.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Sean DenoyerJanuari 20, 2015
    Pernah ke sini 100+ kali
    Suara positif4Suara negatif
  • Batuhan"Bush" A.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Batuhan"Bush" AApril 14, 2017
    Grill cheese sandwich is goodness!!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Robin L.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Robin LanphierApril 16, 2017
    Cuban Manhattan was amazing!!!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
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