Pemberitahuan Penting:Kami telah membuat keputusan berat untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada aplikasi mobile Panduan Kota Foursquare, efektif 15 Desember 2024, dengan versi web yang akan diikuti pada awal 2025. Kunjungi FAQ kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau untuk mengunduh aplikasi Swarm kami.
Andrew Moore: Seriously, if you are from out of state and you come to Trenton, NJ to take in a game and you don't try the Pork Roll & Cheese sandwich and the Chickie & Pete's Crab Fries then you are missing out!
Benjamin de la Fuente: Great family value - seats are not expensive, and the Jackals provide good entertainment on field and between innings. Broad selection of food and beer. Fireworks every Saturday night. Can't lose.
Richard Revilla: Great Place to watch Independent Baseball. Great Prices and a great atmosphere with some great natural beauty surrounding the Ball Park.