просп. Шевченка, 5
"I have never tried such a tasty dumplings. It's special there, different kinds of colours and flavours🥟🤤❤"
Pizza · $
Академіка Гнатюка, 15
"Great place and loved the food. Definitely recommended"
Львівська майстерня пряників "Юрашки"
Pastry · $$
вул. Краківська, 14
"Delightful place specializing in gingerbread cookies decorated in many ways! Great area for children to decorate their own. Cute coffee shop in the back to relax and enjoy the cookies"
Lviv. Tasty
Dibuat oleh Dima Svarytsevych33 poin • 21 pengikut
Куда б сходить?
Dibuat oleh Nika ➰ Strange23 poin • 5 pengikut
Нужно зайти. Львов.
Dibuat oleh Наталья Дьяченко31 poin • 6 pengikut
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