Bic Camera
Toko Peralatan Rumah
"Biggest alcohol selection I've seen in Tokyo. Plus, great store for browsing. Online prices are usually cheaper though."
"Lots of electrical goods, almost too much to pick from unless you vaguely know what you want. Lots of brands unknown in the west so a bit tricky to know how good the quality is unless you research it!"
Yamada Denki
"Ask for a direct discount, then they will take the points worth off of your purchase! Such a great service. Saved ¥800 just now."
Tokyu Store
Pasar Swalayan
自由が丘1-6-9 (フレル・ウィズ自由が丘 1F)
"The prepared food options at Japanese supermarkets are generally excellent, and are really the only healthy way to consistently eat on the cheap during an extended stay in Tokyo. Here's no exception."
Perlengkapan Busana
Dibuat oleh Naoko Yoshii6 poin • 1 pengikut
Dibuat oleh Tomo Andy114 poin • 5 pengikut
Dibuat oleh zeph gness43 poin • 1 pengikut
ヤマダ電機 テックランド武蔵中原店 中原区下小田中1-28-1 (マルエツ中原店 3F)
Yamada Denki 高津区溝口1-13-5 (ドン・キホーテ溝ノ口駅前店 4F)
Yamada Denki LABI 道玄坂2-29-20
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