Orang-orang cenderung check-in di jam-jam ini:
Shanghai Stadium
Sepak bola
666 Tianyaoqiao Rd | 天钥桥路666号 (at at Lingling Rd | 零陵路口)
"Sells out on derby day, so go then. Lots of scalpers selling on match day, but watch out for fakes (look for a serial number on the back)."
Luwan Football Stadium
Lapangan Sepakbola
128 Zhaojiabang Rd | 肇嘉浜路128号 (Ruijin S Rd | 瑞金南路)
"When playing, put your bags close to the goals and away from the back net where people wall past. It's a great place to play but more often than not, stuff goes missing..."
Hongkou Football Stadium
444 Dongjiangwan Rd | 东江湾路444号 (near Sichuan N Rd | 近四川北路)
"One of the landmarks of the district, it’s really hard to miss. If you want to travel to the subway, you need to go out to the street and walk up like 10 million steps."
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