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Toko Bubble Tea dan Kedai Kudapan$$$$
Garden Grove
  • Bintang
    Salah satu 10 Toko Bubble Tea terbaik di Garden Grove
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  • Justin O.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Justin OrdovezaMei 11, 2015
    Good service and the drinks come out quickly. The value menu boba drinks are small but for $1.50 are perfect for a small thirst quencher. They also have mini boba and green tea boba.
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  • Christine Danielle T.
    Christine Danielle TranFebruari 11, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 10+ kali
    I think their iced lavender latte is the best in the Orange County area! definitely a drink for the more adventurous! a must try if you're in the area along with their delicious calamari...DROOLS!!!
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  • Hieu H.
    Hieu HoNovember 1, 2012
    Pernah ke sini 25+ kali
    The lemon chicken wings are pretty good. They taste like Chile Limon Lays. But if you order it, make sure not to order a really sweet or sour drink lol
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  • Richard P.
    Richard PhanMaret 7, 2014
    Try their green tea. Its my favv
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