If you're buying an accessory that's out on the sales floor, download the Apple Store app and buy your accessory with EasyPay. EasyPay uses Apple Pay! In and out without hassle.
Pegamos o lançamento do iphone 8 e do Apple watch 3 nessa Apple Store, e foi bem organizado por sinal. O Atendimento é mto bom e imposto desse condado é bem menor que o de L.A.
So my mid-day visit is due to my weird work hours. But... how are there so many people filling the store on a weekday? And why? I loved watching the seniors intro to iPadclass.
Pre-order in the morning and have your new device ready for in store pickup within an hour! This location has bigger selection than other Apple stores.
I'm going to make a second trip there. I guess the geniuses are not really genius. Also Some of them looks like havent took a shower for a long time. that 2 guys with green ipod standing in front.
Loves me the Apple, but a bit bothered that I have to make an appt with the Genius Bar to try to get a keyboard key spring clip (.005 cent part) that I can install myself. Tip: always make an appt.
According to Apple the Genius Barstaff are like nurses and walking in without an appointment is like urgent care- you have to wait. Apparently the Apple Store is comparable to a hospital. *slow clap*
Try EasyPay straight from the Apple Store app. Self checkout doesn't get easier than this, and it's an interesting feeling to just walk out of the store with something without talking to an employee.
They never want to help. If you have a broken screen they force you to pay. Instead, start a support session on your phone with Apple and ask for the support manager. They will take care of it
If something's wrong, take it in. Even if you don't have Apple Care, some things are fixed for free if it's a manufacturers' issue (I.e. Video card on macbook pro)
Not sure why I keep coming back here. I have all the key items already: iPad, iPhone 4, iMac and MBP. Ah. Maybe it's the stanky B.O. that always seems to be the in the air at this store.
Visit the Apple Store to shop for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch... and more. Sign up for Today at Apple programmes. Or get support at the Genius Bar.(Tampilkan lebih banyak)