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Bud's Ice Cream Of San Francisco

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Kios Es Krim$$$$
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  • Cu D.
    Cu Dinh KienJanuari 9, 2011
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • BUD'S I.
    BUD'S Ice CreamMaret 14, 2014
    Dear customers. We now officially closed this franchised branch since May 2013. Thank you very much for your support and we hope you will continue support our other branches in Ho Chi Minh City.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • marc m.
    marc milanJuni 14, 2012
    thought i'd finally try this spot on a whim, what a mistake. horrible service, uncomfortable place, botched order. plenty of nice places for ice cream in Saigon, unfortunately this is NOT one of them.
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
  • Trang T.
    Trang ThuJuli 19, 2012
    Love rhum raisin scoop much.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Ngọc N.
    Ngọc NgàAgustus 17, 2011
    Had to wait for the menu, and then the ice-creams though there weren't so many guests. The way the treated Hotdeal vouchers was ridiculous!!!
    Suara positif2Suara negatif
  • fuku s.
    fuku shitaNovember 14, 2011
    Noi chung khong gian o day thong tha hon so voi nhung tiem Bud's khac, pvu lau, nhac ok, cuoi tuan 0 nen ngoi o tang 1 vi nhiu con nit va on ao
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Phan T.
    Phan Truc NganJuni 29, 2012
    Free Voucher :D
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Chinh N.
    Chinh NguyenSeptember 22, 2011
    Uhm banh dao nay do wa
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Victor T.
    Victor TrầnOktober 15, 2011
    Chỗ này cũng lấy tên Bud's Ice Cream nhưng không chung chủ với mấy chỗ khác, nhìn thực đơn cũng thấy khác.....
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Duyen
    DuyenJuli 10, 2011
    Dạo này kem dỡ hơn, bánh cũng dỡ.... Phục vụ kém
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Ngoc T.
    Ngoc ThaiOktober 11, 2011
    The worst Bud's Branch in HCMC!!! Unenduarable service shows their disrespect to customers!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • 🐷Heo Lười🐷
    🐷Heo Lười🐷Juni 29, 2011
    12h trưa mà bật nhạc ồn ào, chán
    Suara positifSuara negatif
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