Berencana pergi ke London?

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Corbet Place

Ikon Tips dan Ulasan8 Tips dan ulasan
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  • The Old Truman Breweryikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    One of the best kept secrets in East London. Love the style of this place!
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  • SamI D.
    SamI DaouDAgustus 4, 2012
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    Make sure u come on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, DJ AB Klady plays there and the music is brilliant
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  • Lu B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Lu B.Mei 19, 2013
    Forró Every Thursday! Yes, the Brazilian most exciting dance!! I'm not kindding :-)
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  • Luke W.
    Luke WilliamsAgustus 14, 2011
    They have an asshole in the garden checking for water now. Makes you throw it out because they sell their own...WATER! the vibe is totally lame now...reflects the overall feeling in London. Too bad :(
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  • Juliana F.
    Juliana FerreiraNovember 4, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    Every thursday there is the best Forro night in London
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  • Dave N.
    Dave NattrissJanuari 29, 2010
    Last Friday of each month is the MiniBar event, for start-ups and entrepreneurs
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  • Simon I.
    Simon IsmailNovember 7, 2010
    Swinging sunday from 6pm..SUPA!!
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  • Jules M.
    Jules MorganOktober 30, 2009
    @ Minibar
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