Berencana pergi ke Berlin?

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Dicke Marie

Tegel, Berlin
Ikon Tips dan Ulasan5 Tips dan ulasan
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  • B-Town
    B-TownNovember 30, 2017
    Dicke Marie, the huge oak tree in Tegel Forest, is the oldest tree in Berlin and even older than the city. While there, check out the nearby Humboldt Oak
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  • Fotostrasseikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    FotostrasseFebruari 16, 2014
    It is weird to think that the oldest thing in Berlin is a tree. A 900 years old tree that loves when you hug her.
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  • Shuhei O.
    Shuhei OnoderaMei 31, 2015
    This tree is older than the city of Berlin.
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  • Ralph M.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Angeblich ältester Baum Berlin - einen Ausflug wert!
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  • Jan N.
    Jan NowakJuni 17, 2012
    900 year old oak tree.
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