Flagler College Proctor Library
44 Sevilla St (at Flagler College)
"You should enjoy the reading and the amazing napping here."
Flagler College Kenan Hall
9 Valencia St.
"Please don't crowd the elevators. some of us legitimately can't take the stairs and hate to wait while goes to every floor."
Flagler College Ringhaver Student Center
Pusat Rek
50 Sevilla St
"Lots of free fun for students, but try to avoid eating here. It is sooo expensive!"
USA Orlando
Dibuat oleh Kino186 poin • 3 pengikut
St. Augustine, Florida
Dibuat oleh Don J14 poin • 6 pengikut
St. Augustine Tourist Spots to See
Dibuat oleh Steven39 poin • 13 pengikut
Flagler College Dining Hall 74 King St (Flagler College)
Flagler College Ponce de Leon Hall 74 King St
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