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Toko Kosmetik
Back Bay East, Boston
Ikon Tips dan Ulasan6 Tips dan ulasan
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  • Suneil M.
    Suneil MalhotraAgustus 26, 2013
    Eric was awesome and friendly, helped my wife find a number of products and was super friendly.
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  • Phal N.
    Phal NewzAgustus 19, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 50+ kali
    Make sure to buy every thing you see and try out the soy cleansing (face wash)
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  • Christine K.
    Christine KathleenFebruari 25, 2011
    Get the Cannabis Santal candle - it's not what you think... You're going to fall in love with the scent!
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  • Eric L.
    Eric LangeNovember 5, 2011
    Ulana is the best!!!
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  • Pippa S.
    Pippa ShulmanOktober 3, 2009
    talk to Jeannie - she is one of the assistant managers and she is fantastic.
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  • Phal N.
    Phal NewzAgustus 24, 2010
    Pernah ke sini 50+ kali
    The girls are very friendly here.
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
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