Orang-orang cenderung check-in di jam-jam ini:
Perlengkapan Busana
Wagenstraat 9
"One of the lowest quality names ever"
Spui 50
"Nice big store with three floors. Good to buy basic clothes like tshirts and dresses."
Peek & Cloppenburg
Wagenstraat 16
"Check out the shirts. Great variety of brands & styles, and always a good deal of discounts/sales."
De Bijenkorf
Wagenstraat 32
"the best place to shop and have a litte time to take a look at all the new clothes and things, value is high in this place, a safe space, warm and nice people"
"Leuke plek om overdekt koffie te drinken, de 19de eeuwse sfeer & leuke hippe winkels."
Apple Den Haag
Passage 39
"Great Apple Store in an amazing building. They helped me really well while it was extremely busy."
Den Haag
Dibuat oleh Nazlı Elvan Gökgöz10 poin
H&M Bastiaansplein 1
H&M Liguster 55 (Liguster 55)
H&M Weversplaats 1
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