The ice cream is fantastic, no doubts about it. The speed of service, however, sucks big time. The shop is seriously understaffed. Expect to spend at least 10-20 min just waiting in line.
Trendy new place near the museum. The best ice cream in town with very original flavour combinations. "Crunchy" from the menu is my favourite (Ferrero, hazelnut cream and cornflakes)
Currently popular thing that in my opinion is interesting to try once or twice. Combination of nutella, brownies, fresh raspberries and raspberries base is good
Ovde trenutno ima 27 komentara, a 22 koja su napisana nastala su pre 25.5. 2016 i odnose se na prethodnu italijansku sladoledzinicu SAPORE, koja je bila na istom mestu...Ostaviti samo najnovijih 5.
Оригинальный способ приготовления, клево видео записывать. Завораживает. Вкусов не так уж много. Порции большие. Сидеть внутри особо негде, лучше прямо у фонтана расположиться.
ovo je totalno ludo! bas je dobarsladoled! interesantno da vidis kako ga prave, ludo ukusno! od danas bice moj omiljeni sladoled! porcija ogromna! usluga isto bas prijatna, svi preporuke
Ne preporučujem. Osnova su mleko i slatka pavlaka, uz trunčicu nekih dodataka. U suštini, plaćate za koncept spremanja koji je zanimljiv, a dobijate bućkuriš od "sladoleda". 👎
Aside from novelty value, these "thai" ice cream rolls are quite mediocre in terms of taste and texture. This is because poor low-fat milk base provides no richness whatsoever. Also, not really cheap.
How do you "roll" ice cream? Workers pour creamy custard and... toppings on an icy cold plate, mix them all together. The concoction is then flattened, rolled, squished into a cup, and topped with sweets or fresh fruit.(Tampilkan lebih banyak)