You can find a lot of food stalls offering mostly Malay cuisines around here..if you are cautious avoiding spicy food, do ask the seller the level of 'spicyness'.
The best place to have a hotel room, foods at its best, ample amount of shopping, you get quality products at cheaper prices. And finally the easiest way to madjids!
Another must for every dancers. Here is where the cheapest materials you can get in town. Good luck finding your favorite because they have tons to choose from.
Lai lai dtg ke tapak parking semua house..ada kuih raya, kerepek, serunding..pandai nego, kami bagi murah..cari lah natrah kerepek house..satisfy, or money return
Blh dpt baju kenduri kahwin laki perempuan dgn harga RM650.00 (material songket dri ats smpai bwh, full set both)..compared sewa..rata2 harga RM800 and above..mahal siot
Tips parking kereta. Masuk ke bangunan capital square / menara multi-purpose. Byk parking bay yang kosong. Jgn parking kereta anda di tepi jalan2 sekitar yg menyesakkanjalan.
Currently named after a local mosque, Masjid India. The southern... end of the road was recently converted into a pedestrian street.(Tampilkan lebih banyak)
Tidak ada yang terdaftar(Lihat saat orang-orang check-in)