Gorgeous Parisian cafe. The omelette was incredible, so silky and smooth, and pistachiopastry delicious. Head to the shop afterwards for your macaroon fix - boxed up is more expensive than in a bag
The hot chocolate is amazing! Went well with a less sweet tarte citron. Of course, the macaroons are out of this world! Pistachio flavor is my favorite.
Spare your precious time in Paris for things more fun than queuing up in this noisytourist trap. Their macarons may be the best around but there are many other locations (also at Paris airports).
Dünyanın ennn lezzetli macaron ları için tek doğru adres Paris Laduree, her rengin tadı ağzınızda hissediliyor, yemeden gecmeyın yanında vanilya ve gül kokulu aromatık çay keyfını unutmayın👍🏻👍🏻
People say Ladurée offers the best macarons. I disagree. They are nice and all. But their sweets, cakes and pies in all sizes taste way more special. Above all, it all looks gorgeous.
Bir an unuttum zamanı, ynuttum ismimi sadece tatlı bir masala düşmüş gibi çayımı yudumlayıp leziz makaronları ile güzel anılar biriktirdim... güllü makaronu deneyin olur mu ön yargılı olmayın :)
Todos falam dos famosos macarons, mas tive a oportunidade de almoçar e tomar café aqui e o almoço estava perfeito, comida deles sempre muito delicada. fica a dica para um almoço/café romântico
Paris e gidecek olan herkese siddetle tavsiye edilir ugramadan donmeyin :) Fransiz yemeklerinin bizim damak tadimiza en yakin olani tatlilari en lezzetlileri de burada mevcut :) ispahan denemenizi
The breakfast is very good , french toast is especially delicious , you can also try their omelettes the location on the champs-élysées is fantastic and is a great people watching spot.
Наверное самая известная сетькондитерских Парижа 😊🍰 вкусно, стильно, красиво 👌 обслуживание на уровне и... как и везде в популярных местах Парижа - придется постоять в очереди, особенно вечером
The best, most elegant and popular Laduree store in all Paris. If not to sample the new creations Laduree make each season, then a trip here to take in the amazing decor of store.
Beautiful interior, but it is overcrowded. Prepackaged Napoleonmacaron box to-go outside by the viennoiserie stand if you don't want to wait in the long line inside, but you can't pick your flavors.
The Macarons are moist, fluffy, super delicious and they just melt in your mouth. Granada chocolate and salted caramel are two of my favourite flavours. Every shop has a different & inviting decor 💕
Действительно самые вкусные макаруны. Людей очень много, цены кусючие (около 3,5 евро за штучку) но оно того стоит. Также там есть и ресторан с отличным кофе и прекрасной террасой на Елисейских Полях
Tasty macarons. I recommend a sweet white wine to accompany them. Suitable for both a fancy nice dining on Champs-élysées, but also good for a romantic evening.
Incredible staff and service! Cannot say enough good thing about them! That being said, the macaroons are still the traditional chewy and overly sweet kind. I prefer Pierre Herme. 😊
En gzl macaronu bence vanilyali ve cikolatali.caylari cok cesitli.eclairi fena degil.Chaps E.dekinde ust katlar oglen full.yemekler guzel.Arka bari da kisa oturmak icn ideal.
Dans une belle boutique, vous pourrez découvrir une collection délicieuses de macarons. Je vous conseille la Fleur d'oranger. 😉 Et lieu est aussi un salon de thé avec terrasse sur les Champs-Élysées
Strawberry guimauve macarons if they're available!!! Fleur d'oranger is always a nice choice - something different but delish. Food wise, the salmon + avo + egg is quite good.
Laduree...how do I love thee. This should be on your Eat All The Macaronstour of Paris. Also, their boxes are beautiful & travel well as gifts...or to eat on your plane home.
Il faudrait être patient pour avoir de la place. Le service est assez rapide. La coupe Ispahan est un délice. L'occasion de découvrir la glace aux pétales de rose et.. le litchi ^^
Great pastries! the croissant is to die for, French toast is soggy and eggy, scrambled egg is a bit dry for my taste, hot chocolate is always yummy but coffee is mediocre!
Ladurée ce n'est pas que les macarons, on y déguste aussi des douceurs pâtissières directement au Bar Ladurée. Fraisier, verrine « minute » roseframboise, Mont-Blanc, Paris-Brest, Religieuses.. Baca selanjutnya
Best macaroons and croissants you will find anywhere. If you have a chance to eat in get the Ladurée breakfast with the croissant samples. Eggs are buttery and croissants are flavorful
Nach 30 Minuten anstehen dürfte ich endlich mich hinsetzen. Ich habe Ente bestellt und war vom Geschmack sehr enttäuscht:( man sollte sich nur macarons kaufen und die Weite suchen :))))
I could eat their macarons all day! I always look forward to the seasonal flavors. Mint and peach were my favorites this time around but passion fruit and salted caramel are my go-to flavors.
This is one of the few touristy things I would actually recommend. Right on one of Paris' busiest streets, its grand and full of history. Get a table and order some tea and macaroons.
El menú para la comida es realmente sencillo, aunque el restaurante es muy cómodo (1er piso). El café muy bueno al igual que los macarrons. Excelente servicio.
Les macarons Ladurée sont une vraie institution à l’international. Sur les Champs-Elysées, on peut déguster de délicieuses religieuses, des saint-honoré, des millefeuilles et des tartes Sissi.
Excellent splurge for fancytea time/dessert. Obviously the macarons are worth trying, but *all* pastries are excellent. Try the Saint Honore: cream puff perfection w/crunchy caramelized bits.
Очень вкусный чай☕️ к нему дают маленькие шоколада 🍫!!! Десерты,как по мне такие же как и во всем Париже ничего особенного 🍮🎂🍰 Цены (2 десерта 2 чая,коробочка мокоронс на 6 шт. Счёт 56€
Dans ce lieu unique offrant une vitrine sur les Champs-Élysées,... emportez macarons, viennoiseries et autres douceurs à déguster en famille ou entre amis. Pour une pause gourmande sur place, rendez-vous dans l'espace restaurant. Le bar attenant séduira, quant à lui, les amateurs de cocktails.(Tampilkan lebih banyak)