Kam Shan Country Park
Kam Shan
"barbecue here is great. lots of stoves, just bring your food and drink and charcoal. Nice place to hang out on weekends. there are lots of helpers on sunday tho."
Shing Mun Country Park
Shing Mun Rd
"Nice place but watch out for the monkeys they look nice but if they think there is food around they can be quite aggressive"
Rotary Park
Tai Mo Shan Rd
MacLehose Trail (Section 8)
Tai Mo Shan Country Park
Tai Mo Shan
Centre of the New Territories, Hong Kong
"Rent a bike in tai wai put it in a taxi and say Tai Mo Shan! Total price $150 ride through shing mun upper and lower reservoir to get back to taiwai"
Shing Mun Reservoir
"Even paths for easy walks. Watch out for monkeys!"
Hong Kong Places
Dibuat oleh H8 poin
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