A Vida Portuguesa
Toko Seni dan Kerajinan
Rua Anchieta, 11
"Lovely place. Food items, decorative items, souvenirs. Original stuff, definitely worth a visit."
Caza das Vellas Loreto
Rua do Loreto 53, 55
"A family-run candlemaker since the 18th century, the jewel-box shop west of Chiado sells a vast array of colorful candles. There are tapers, novelty sculptures, and scented varieties."
Cortiço & Netos
Calçada de Santo André 66
"Amazing place with tones of personality, in unexpected location, with a great story behind it. 👏"
Livraria Bertrand
Toko Buku
R. Garrett, 17
"Pretty as hell on the outside. Regular bookstore (and a good one) on the inside. Worth a visit."
Dibuat oleh Dew126 poin • 2 pengikut
Lisbon city guide
Dibuat oleh Fluying ✅93 poin • 2 pengikut
Dibuat oleh Nicole Franzen25 poin • 6 pengikut
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