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Metropolitan Community College (MCC) - Penn Valley Main Campus

Perguruan Tinggi Umum, Gedung Akademik Perguruan Tinggi, dan Pusat Siswa
Kansas City
Ikon Tips dan Ulasan8 Tips dan ulasan
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  • Antone T.
    Antone TownsendJuli 7, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 10+ kali
    Do as best as you can on the placement test....... so you don't have to take any of those stupid azz remedial classes....................
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
  • Local Ruckus KC
    Local Ruckus KCFebruari 1, 2013
    Great signage
    Suara positif3Suara negatif
  • Antone T.
    Antone TownsendJuli 13, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 10+ kali
    If your doind a summer class here make sure your prepared..... It goes pretty fast.......
    Suara positif3Suara negatif
  • Danna S.
    Danna SuellentropAgustus 30, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 25+ kali
    People here do not know how to drive in a parking lot. I almost get hit like 4 times every time
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Cami H.
    Cami HimesAgustus 5, 2011
    Getting a few last minute things done before school starts :)
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
  • Missy E.
    Missy EatonNovember 29, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 10+ kali
    Someone left their dog in their car in the parking garage.... can we say horrible dog owner?
    Suara positif1Suara negatif
  • Betsy B.
    Betsy BDesember 15, 2010
    don't use any of the bathrooms if you can help it. they're NASTY!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Antone T.
    Antone TownsendJuli 13, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 10+ kali
    It's like a high school up here.......
    Suara positifSuara negatif
Foto47 Foto

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  • metropolitan community college (mcc) - penn valley main campus kansas city •
  • metropolitan community college (mcc) - penn valley main campus kansas city photos •
  • metropolitan community college (mcc) - penn valley main campus kansas city location •
  • metropolitan community college (mcc) - penn valley main campus kansas city address •
  • metropolitan community college (mcc) - penn valley main campus kansas city •
  • metropolitan community college kansas city •
  • metropolitan community college (mcc) - penn valley main campus kansas city •
  • metropolitan community college mcc penn valley main campus kansas city •
  • penn valley kansas city •
  • penn valley campus center kansas city •
  • penn valley community college kansas city •
  • penn valley education building kansas city •
  • pennvally community college kansas city •

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