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Morradoke Thai Restaurant

Restoran Asia฿฿฿฿
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  • kambing
  • pepper
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  • Chaosz 💫
    Chaosz 💫Januari 16, 2013
    Great quality food, sometimes when it's busy not such nice staff. The appetizers are just as expensive as most of the main dishes. But most important; the food is great and the establishment cozy.
  • Svetlana M.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Опробованы 2 вида карри dry morradoke curry и panang curry с креветками. Вкусно и очень остро, подаются с рисом. Пананг карри понравилось больше.
  • Maris M.
    Maris MarisNovember 23, 2013
    I've been in Asia for nine months and this was the the best fried rice dish I've had yet.
  • Svetlana M.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Еще попробовали лапшу Pad-thai, вкусно и неостро, специи подают отдельно. Green papaya салат ничего особенного, по вкусу похож на корейскую морковку без чеснока
  • Zanda T.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Zanda TreijaJanuari 26, 2016
    Lunch for around 150-200baht per person & was tasty!
  • Ferry v.
    Ferry van GenderenJuli 19, 2013
    Definitely try one of the house specialties: lamb with garlic and pepper!
  • John R.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    John ReyesJanuari 27, 2015
    Tom Kha Gai (sour soup with coconut milk)
  • Lizon K.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Lizon KombinezonSeptember 15, 2013
  • Deyan D.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Deyan DenchevJanuari 15, 2013
    They wouldn't allow you to charge your phone here!!! It's also a smoking restaurant, so if you hate cigarette smoke while you eat stay away. The wifi password is 0823654742
  • Samuel T.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Samuel ToninMei 28, 2013
    Mai Thai is great!
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