Pretty decent sushi restaurant. In between other options in the area, where KOI is garbage and super cheap and KENKO is delicious and someehat pricy. This one is rather cheap but it tastes good!
Ο ορισμός του value for money για sushi. Με τιμές ίσως ελαφρώς πιο τσιμπημένες από koi, πολυ σωστοί συνδυασμοί γεύσεων με το ψάρι να επικρατεί σε ολα οπως πρεπει!! ΝΣ λοιπον, no more Κολωνάκι😁🍙
-staff is indeed really friendly- price to size ratio is very high- the taste of the salmon and shrimp was great, didn't smell fishy.- The nigiri size is huge and the rise was sticky as intended!
The dragon sushi was amazing. The soups were average. The service was quick and polite. The tuna steak was good too but it is not served with anything.