Remparts de Saint-Malo
Situs Bersejarah dan Dilindungi
Rue Jacques Cartier
"Impressive walls that are good for a short run (approx. 1.8km), picturesque views and sunsets."
Porte Saint-Thomas
Place Châteaubriand
"Very interesting district. Just be careful of the parts where there’s a sudden drop into the ocean with no guard rails. Seems like it would suck"
Porte Saint-Vincent
"There are plenty of boats here to see. Lovely to walk along the harbour in the sunshine."
Port de Saint-Malo
Pelabuhan / Marina
Fort du Naye
"Le port est vraiment sympa. Quelques vieux bateaux type pirate à quai. Une vraie merveille. Le vieux saint malo est aussi à voir."
Plage de Bon Secours
Rue des Bès
"Gorgeous beach, and a great spot for watching the sunset!"
Grand' Porte
"The Big entrance into the main part of the St Malo town. An excellent place that's worth visiting. Plenty of great places to eat and shop."
Saint-Malo — Dinard
Dibuat oleh ParisianGeek43 poin • 32 pengikut
Dibuat oleh Cagla Taskeser60 poin • 1 pengikut
Bretagne / Frankreich
Dibuat oleh Maik Solf50 poin
Bastion Saint-Louis Quai Saint-Louis (Rue d'Orléans)
Porte Saint-Pierre Place du Guet
Bastion Saint-Philippe 1 rue Guy Louvel (Intra-Muros)
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