It will not be possible to describe which dish is better than the other. Just come by and they will help you make a choice. I haven't tasted something that I don't like . Spicy or not.
Το μοσχάρι μπάρμπεκιου αλλα και το χοιρινο! Τα eggrols το kimchi το ριζι με τα λαχανικα κ τ κρεας!! Αγαπαμε τν κορεάτικη κουζινα μακαρι να ηταν πιο δημοφιλή!!
Best and only original Korean. Order the 67. "Broiled beef rib" which is BBQ, excellent. 84. "Rice mixed with vegetables and meat" which is fantastic as well. Don't forget to order Kim-Chi!