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Toko Sandwich dan Restoran Cepat Saji$$$$
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    Salah satu 5 Toko Sandwich terbaik di Albany
Ikon Tips dan Ulasan6 Tips dan ulasan
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  • Erin
    ErinJuni 24, 2013
    Grabbed a salad here earlier. Employees didn't seem friendly at first but were super nice. Sometimes a "please" or "thank you" can change the attitude of a person instead of taking them for granted.
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Tamaria L.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Tamaria L.Juli 14, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 100+ kali
    Currently, no one is inside this Subway location except me and the employees...service was AMAZING today. Enjoying my subway peacefully.
    Suara positif3Suara negatif
  • Tamaria L.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Tamaria L.Februari 24, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 100+ kali
    I love Subway...the entire month of February is $5 Footlong month... Woohoo
    Suara positif10Suara negatif
  • Tamaria L.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Tamaria L.April 26, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 100+ kali
    I rarely come 2 Subway during tine, but the new ppl & mgmt they have aren't the friendliest of ppl
    Suara positif2Suara negatif
  • JaTara C.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    JaTara ChambersJuli 6, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    Get a subway melt on flat bread toasted w/ extra provolone cheese👌🍴
    Suara positifSuara negatif
  • Kendra R.
    Kendra RobinsonApril 13, 2012
    Buy One Get One Free until 9am the whole month of April!
    Suara positifSuara negatif
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