Great burgers and great music (not often you can hear Doors or Jimmy H in Tallinn restaurants), decent wine, Tanker craft beer selection, just a few steps from home - perfect.
I came here because I enjoyed the Kadaka Uulits a lot. At first, I was impressed by the cool interior design, but got disappointed when I was served a mediocre and cold burger. Won't visit again.
The atmosphere felt vibrant & cosy (we were taking our food out). But the burgers were a bit disappointing, the ones it their original Kadaka spot were more fingerlicking. The game has moved on.
Мясо что надо, хотя котлетка слишком уж тонкая и не даёт раскрыться вкусу на всю катушку. Зато хлебушек мяконький и полит ароматнейшей солёной карамелью — идея взрывная. Но травы перебор, мы не в лесу