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Village Inn

Village Inn

(Sekarang Tutup)
Tempat Sarapan, Restoran Amerika, dan Toko Makanan Pencuci Mulut$$$$
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  • Sharon B.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Sharon BenesMei 13, 2015
    Casual place w/ good food. Outdoor seating seasonally. VI does tend to get busy especially Sunday morning, & Wednesday evenings is free pie with a meal also draws a crowd. Worth the wait though.
  • Erik L.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Erik LaingAgustus 16, 2014
    VI is about what you'd expect. Don't try to get fancy here. The words classic and breakfast are good guides. Pie is also good.
  • Brandy M.
    Brandy MyersJuni 6, 2013
    Excellent Strawberry Bleu Salad
  • Angela L.
    Angela LeekeOktober 6, 2016
    The only thing good about the Lincoln NE location on 27th street was the manager. Food was cold on a hot platter, basted eggs did not run as they should and the manager agreed and took money off, bad
  • Al G.
    Al GomezAgustus 10, 2013
    Good place to eat, when you're hammered!
  • Tiffany G.
    Tiffany GonzalesApril 26, 2012
    I like the lemon blueberry pie. Sweet.
  • rick(kd0dbo) m.
    rick(kd0dbo) mcJanuari 24, 2013
    Pernah ke sini 10+ kali
    Try the pie when you there
  • Andrew O.
    Andrew ObergMaret 11, 2012
    Pernah ke sini 5+ kali
    Ultimate Skillet!!!
  • Emily G.
    Emily GermanNovember 21, 2010
    Try the hot fudge brownie a la mode!! Mm!
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