my fav places
Lacquer Palace is one of my fav places.

1. Lacquer Palace

184 Lenox Ave, New York, NY 10026, New York City, NY
Salon Perawatan Kuku · Central Harlem · 8 tips dan ulasan
Ottomanelli's Wine & Burger Bar is one of my fav places.

2. Ottomanelli's Wine & Burger Bar

1325 5th Ave (at E 111th St), New York City, NY
Kedai Burger · Central Harlem · 40 tips dan ulasan
Amor Cubano is one of my fav places.

3. Amor Cubano

2018 3rd Ave (at E 111th St.), New York City, NY
Restoran Kuba · East Harlem · 93 tips dan ulasan
Ricardo Steak House is one of my fav places.

4. Ricardo Steak House

2145 2nd Ave (btwn 110th & 111st St), New York City, NY
Warung Steak · East Harlem · 86 tips dan ulasan
Savoy Bakery is one of my fav places.

5. Savoy Bakery

170 E 110th St (btwn Lexington & 3rd Ave.), New York City, NY
Toko Roti · East Harlem · 25 tips dan ulasan
Cuchifritos Frituras is one of my fav places.

6. Cuchifritos Frituras

168 E 116th St (btwn 3rd and Lexington), New York City, NY
Restoran Puerto Riko · East Harlem · 30 tips dan ulasan
Cafe Ollin is one of my fav places.

7. Cafe Ollin

339 E 108th St (btwn 1st & 2nd Ave), New York City, NY
Restoran Meksiko · East Harlem · 40 tips dan ulasan
Joy Burger Bar is one of my fav places.

8. Joy Burger Bar

1567 Lexington Ave (at E 100th St), New York City, NY
Kedai Burger · East Harlem · 88 tips dan ulasan
Kennedy Fried Chicken is one of my fav places.

9. Kennedy Fried Chicken

1316 5th Ave, New York City, NY
Rumah Makan Fried Chicken · Central Harlem · 6 tips dan ulasan
Amy Ruth's is one of my fav places.

10. Amy Ruth's

113 W 116th St (btwn Malcolm X & Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd), New York City, NY
Restoran Makanan Khas Selatan · Central Harlem · 299 tips dan ulasan
The Kiosk Bar & Restaurant is one of my fav places.

11. The Kiosk Bar & Restaurant

80 E 116th St (Btwn Park & Madison), New York City, NY
Restoran Maroko · East Harlem · 20 tips dan ulasan
La Corsa Pizzeria & Ristorante is one of my fav places.

12. La Corsa Pizzeria & Ristorante

123 E 110th St, New York City, NY
Restoran Italia · East Harlem · 18 tips dan ulasan
El Nuevo Caridad is one of my fav places.

13. El Nuevo Caridad

2257 2nd Ave (at 116th St.), New York City, NY
Restoran Spanyol · East Harlem · 24 tips dan ulasan
Piece of Velvet is one of my fav places.

14. Piece of Velvet

708 Fulton St (South Oxford St), Brooklyn, NY
Toko Makanan Pencuci Mulut · Fort Greene · 19 tips dan ulasan