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Salt & Straw is one of OREGON.

1. Salt & Straw

838 NW 23rd Ave (at NW Kearney St), Portland, OR
Kios Es Krim · 282 tips dan ulasan
Voodoo Doughnut is one of OREGON.

2. Voodoo Doughnut

22 SW 3rd Ave (at SW Ankeny St), Portland, OR
Toko Donat · 542 tips dan ulasan
Potato Champion is one of OREGON.

3. Potato Champion

1200 SE Hawthorne Blvd (at SE 12th Ave), Portland, OR
Truk Makanan · 46 tips dan ulasan
Jade Bistro & Patisserie is one of OREGON.

4. Jade Bistro & Patisserie

7912 SE 13th Ave (between Lexington & Miller), Portland, OR
Restoran Vietnam · 53 tips dan ulasan
Pok Pok is one of OREGON.

5. Pok Pok

3226 SE Division St (at SE 32nd Ave), Portland, OR
Restoran Thailand · 310 tips dan ulasan
International Rose Test Garden is one of OREGON.

6. International Rose Test Garden

400 SW Kingston Ave, Portland, OR
Kebun Botani · 104 tips dan ulasan
Blue Star Donuts is one of OREGON.

7. Blue Star Donuts

3549 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR
Toko Donat · 58 tips dan ulasan
Hot Cakes Molten Chocolate Cakery is one of OREGON.

8. Hot Cakes Molten Chocolate Cakery

5427 Ballard Ave NW, Seattle, WA
Toko Makanan Pencuci Mulut · Ballard · 101 tips dan ulasan
Old School Frozen Custard is one of OREGON.

9. Old School Frozen Custard

1316 E Pike St (btwn 13th & 14th), Seattle, WA
Kios Es Krim · Capitol Hill · 52 tips dan ulasan