Europe House is one of London.

1. Europe House

32 Smith Square, London, Greater London
Gedung Pemerintah · City of Westminster · 3 tips dan ulasan

European ParliamentEuropean Parliament: Raising awareness, organising events and answering citizen's queries on EU affairs, the Parliament's information offices play an important role in bringing the EU closer to you. Baca selengkapnya.

Westminster Abbey is one of London.

2. Westminster Abbey

20 Dean's Yard, London, Greater London
Gereja · Westminster · 226 tips dan ulasan
Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) is one of London.

3. Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben)

Parliament Sq (Bridge St), London, Greater London
Monumen · Westminster · 663 tips dan ulasan
The London Eye is one of London.

4. The London Eye

The Queen's Walk (Belvedere Rd), London, Greater London
Atraksi · Waterloo · 969 tips dan ulasan
Tate Modern is one of London.

5. Tate Modern

53 Bankside, London, Greater London
Museum Seni · 816 tips dan ulasan
Darwin Centre is one of London.

6. Darwin Centre

Cromwell Rd (at Queen's Gate), London, Greater London
Museum Sains · Kensington and Chelsea · 11 tips dan ulasan
Royal Observatory is one of London.

7. Royal Observatory

Blackheath Ave, London, Greater London
Observatorium · Greenwich West · 93 tips dan ulasan
7 July Memorial is one of London.

8. 7 July Memorial

Dorchester Ride, London, Greater London
Situs Peringatan · Knightsbridge and Belgravia · 2 tips dan ulasan