Tel aviv
Magen David Square is one of Tel aviv.

1. Magen David Square

Hacarmel st. 1 (Allenby st., King George st., Sheinkin st.), Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Plaza · 4 tips dan ulasan
Kukiza (home made israeli food) ― קוקיצה is one of Tel aviv.

2. Kukiza (home made israeli food) ― קוקיצה

Ben Yehuda 20, Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Restoran Kosher · Lev HaIr Tzafon · 13 tips dan ulasan
Hummus Mashawsha is one of Tel aviv.

3. Hummus Mashawsha

(חומוס משאוושה)
40 Pinsker St. (at Bugrashov St.), Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Restoran Israel · Lev HaIr Tzafon · 31 tips dan ulasan
Dizengoff Center is one of Tel aviv.

4. Dizengoff Center

(דיזנגוף סנטר)
50 Dizengoff St. (at King George St.), Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Pusat Perbelanjaan · 114 tips dan ulasan
Cafelix is one of Tel aviv.

5. Cafelix

Shlomo HaMelech 12 (Zamenhoff), Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Warung Kopi · 62 tips dan ulasan
Nahat Cafe נחת קפה is one of Tel aviv.

6. Nahat Cafe נחת קפה

1 Reines St (at Dizengof St), Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Kafe · 37 tips dan ulasan
Anita La Mamma Del Gelato is one of Tel aviv.

7. Anita La Mamma Del Gelato

42 Shabazi St (at Pines St), Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Kios Es Krim · Neve Tsedek · 98 tips dan ulasan
Tamara Yogurt is one of Tel aviv.

8. Tamara Yogurt

96th Ben Yehuda St. (at Gordon St), Tel Aviv, תל אביב
Kios Es Krim · 61 tips dan ulasan