Reykjavík for the knitter
Knitting Iceland is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

1. Knitting Iceland

Toko Seni dan Kerajinan · Miðborg · 2 tips dan ulasan

I heart ReykjavíkI heart Reykjavík: Lovely ladies that offer knitting tours around Iceland and all kinds of knitting workshops Baca selengkapnya.

Handknitting Association of Iceland is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

2. Handknitting Association of Iceland

Skólavörðustígur 19, Reykjavik, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Toko Pakaian · Miðborg · 11 tips dan ulasan

I heart ReykjavíkI heart Reykjavík: The best place in the downtown area to get some lovely Lopi

Storkurinn is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

3. Storkurinn

Laugavegi 59, Reykjavik, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Toko Hobi · Miðborg · 3 tips dan ulasan

I heart ReykjavíkI heart Reykjavík: Good place to get some yarn - bigger selection than at Handprjónasambandið but maybe slightly more expensive?

Kaffihúsið Álafossi is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

4. Kaffihúsið Álafossi

Álafossvegur 27 (Helgafellsvegur), Mosfellsbær, Capital area
Kafe · 7 tips dan ulasan

I heart ReykjavíkI heart Reykjavík: Not in downtown Reykjavík but definitely worth the drive if Lopi, knitting and Lopapeysa is your thing. Also, the Álafosskvos, where the store is located, is very cute.

Hagkaup is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

5. Hagkaup

Skeifan, Reykjavik, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Pasar Swalayan · Skeifan · 7 tips dan ulasan

I heart ReykjavíkI heart Reykjavík: If you ever find yourself in dire need of more lopi in the middle of the night - fret not, Hagkaup in Skeifan is open 24/7 and offers a good selection

Hagkaup is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

6. Hagkaup

Kringlan, Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæðið
Pasar Swalayan · Kringla · 2 tips dan ulasan

I heart ReykjavíkI heart Reykjavík: There's not a big selection of yarn here but if you are in Kringlan any way and you want to pick up a skein or two - this is the place to go.

Tiger is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

7. Tiger

Laugavegi 13, Reykjavik, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Toko Barang Antik dan Barang Bekas · Miðborg · 6 tips dan ulasan

I heart ReykjavíkI heart Reykjavík: You can get some very cheap knitting needles at Tiger if you need one ASAP plus they sell some cheap yarn.And it's open till 20:00 - bonus!

Europris is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

8. Europris

Toko Serba Ada · Vesturbær · 2 tips dan ulasan

I heart ReykjavíkI heart Reykjavík: Europris has a good selection of Norwegian yarn that is not too expensive.

Amma mús is one of Reykjavík for the knitter.

9. Amma mús

Ármúli 18, Hofudhborgarsvaedhi
Toko Seni dan Kerajinan · Tak ada tips atau ulasan