Important Reminder:Aplikasi Foursquare City Guide secara resmi akan berakhir pada tanggal 15 Desember 2024, dengan versi web menyusul di awal tahun 2025. Namun, perjalanan check-in Anda tidak berakhir di sini! Bergabunglah dengan kami di Swarm, di mana petualangan baru menanti.
9 Pell St (btwn Doyers St & Bowery), New York City, NY
Restoran Cina · Chinatown · 563 tips dan ulasan
Bravo: If you love dumplings as much as me you have to eat these awesome soup dumplings!! They will be on your table before you put the menu down. -Ed Cotton, Top Chef
201 W 83rd St (btwn Broadway & Amsterdam Ave), New York City, NY
Kafe · Upper West Side · 255 tips dan ulasan
The Corcoran Group: Self-proclaimed as the most famous café in NY – it was in You’ve Got Mail. Open until 2am (Fri & Sat until 4am) makes it the perfect place to go after a show or a late date. It’s a little pricey and c