short lunch list
Ngam is one of short lunch list.

1. Ngam

99 3rd Ave (at E 13th St), New York City, NY
Restoran Thailand · East Village · 242 tips dan ulasan
Boqueria Flatiron is one of short lunch list.

2. Boqueria Flatiron

53 W 19th St (at 6th Ave), New York City, NY
Restoran Tapas · Flatiron District · 296 tips dan ulasan
Sophie's Cuban Cuisine is one of short lunch list.

3. Sophie's Cuban Cuisine

28 E 23rd St (at Madison Ave), New York City, NY
Restoran Kuba · NoMad · 79 tips dan ulasan
Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop is one of short lunch list.

4. Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop

174 5th Ave (btwn 22nd & 23rd St), New York City, NY
Toko Sandwich · Flatiron District · 284 tips dan ulasan
Coppelia is one of short lunch list.

5. Coppelia

207 W 14th St (btwn 7th & 8th Ave), New York City, NY
Restoran Kuba · Chelsea · 508 tips dan ulasan
Whitmans is one of short lunch list.

6. Whitmans

406 E 9th St (btwn 1st Ave & Avenue A), New York City, NY
Kedai Burger · East Village · 235 tips dan ulasan
Laut is one of short lunch list.

7. Laut

15 E 17th St (btwn Broadway & 5th Ave), New York City, NY
Restoran Melayu · Union Square · 168 tips dan ulasan
High Street on Hudson is one of short lunch list.

8. High Street on Hudson

637 Hudson St (at Horatio St), New York City, NY
Restoran Amerika Baru · West Village · 111 tips dan ulasan
The Meatball Shop is one of short lunch list.

9. The Meatball Shop

64 Greenwich Ave (at Perry St), New York City, NY
Restoran Italia · West Village · 273 tips dan ulasan
Dominique Ansel Kitchen is one of short lunch list.

10. Dominique Ansel Kitchen

137 7th Ave S (btwn Charles St & W 10th St), New York City, NY
Toko Roti · West Village · 131 tips dan ulasan
Harry & Ida's Meat and Supply Co. is one of short lunch list.

11. Harry & Ida's Meat and Supply Co.

189 Avenue A (at E 12th St), New York City, NY
Deli · East Village · 67 tips dan ulasan
Luke's Lobster Union Square is one of short lunch list.

12. Luke's Lobster Union Square

124 University Pl (13th Street and 14th Street), New York City, NY
Restoran Hidangan Laut · Greenwich Village · 3 tips dan ulasan
Bluestone Lane is one of short lunch list.

13. Bluestone Lane

30 Carmine St (btwn Bedford & Bleecker St), New York City, NY
Kafe · West Village · 55 tips dan ulasan
Emily West Village is one of short lunch list.

14. Emily West Village

35 Downing St (at Bedford St), New York City, NY
Restoran Piza · West Village · 145 tips dan ulasan