Plan to spend at least a half-day, if not a whole day here. So many things to see and do at Pier 39. I highly recommend saving your appetite until you get to the pier.
There are more locals than foreigners on Pier 39, a notorious touristattraction boasting a number of iconic San Francisco landmarks, from historic seafood restaurants to resident sea lions. Baca selanjutnya
Whether you want to enjoy the local seafood, famous, clam chowder, shop the local boutiques, or be entertained by street performers, Pier 39 is the place to visit for tourists and locals alike.
Ideal para passear, conhecer a cidade, fazer compras e ver muitos locais. O pier é bem iluminado, tranquilo e tem muitas atrações no entorno tb. Vale com certeza conhecer.
El mítico Puerto 39 de la bahía el lugar con más locales atrapa turistas de la cuidad pero muy bonito ideal para probar diferentes estilos de comida y pasear con la familia e ir a ver los lobos marino
Un lugar para ir, se puede disfrutar de las bicicletas, ya que San Francisco es bastante complicado por sus lomas. Excelente vista y muchas opciones gastronómicas
Tem algumas lojinhas e alguns restaurantes. Fiquei um tempinho assistindo às brigas entre os leões marinhos para subir e descer dos pequenos decks de madeira. Muito legal.
من أجملأماكن الترفيه في المدينة ،، متكامل "مطاعم ومقاهي وألعاب وتسوق" لجميع الأعمار وفي كل الأوقات .. مزدحم جداً في كل الأوقات ،، الزيارة ضرورية ولا يفوتكم المكان .. جميل جداً في النهار ،،
The most popular pier in San Francisco. All tourists come to see the California Sea Lions in the bay. You should visit Pier 39 before going to Fisherman's Wharf.
As a kid, did you love WWF's Royal Rumble, the battle royale event in which wrestlers eliminated their opponents by throwing them from the ring until only 1 remained? Then you're gonna love Pier 39
Every tourist shop sells the same stuff but definitely make sure to check out the sea lions at the end and the behind the scenes aquariumtour is totally worth it!
The best and most famous Pier in all San Francisco, has great shops for all people, nightlife is really good, restaurants and environment is as well amazing
This waterfront complex has street performers, shops, restaurants, attractions, a five-acre waterfrontpark with a 300-berth marina, and the best views of the sea lions. Baca selanjutnya
Lots of restaurants here. Short walk from pier 33 if you r doing Alcatraztour. There r souvenir shops too and a merry-go-round right at the back. Most of the shops closes at 9.30pm.
Lots of shopping and foodie fun within this Embarcadero institution. Checkout the sea lions. Some of the biggest strawberries I've ever seen in the outdoor market. Chocolate Heaven is worth a look.
Akşam üzeri çok güzel manzarası var. Deniz aslanları ile ünlü. Temmuz ayında başka yerlere göç ediyorlarmış. Sayıları çok azdı. Alcadraz manzarası görülebilir. Çocuklu aileler için ideal
If you're planning to explore San Francisco from water in the Rocket Boat, please be careful.. Especially don't get the back seats. My camera, my friends, my clothes - all freaking wet ;)
Visit the famous sea lions on the K-Dock of Pier 39, that began gathering shortly after the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 and at one time has grown to a record 1,701.
This is definitely a must if you're visiting SF, there's a lot to do around here, souvenirs, food, attractions and you can see the sea lions near the pier
I could never get tired of this place. I always start at the Embarcadero and walk through the piers, great exercise and nice scenery. Many dining places to choose from as well as sight see.
Множество крутых магазинов для туристов. Стоит выделять порядка 3-4 часов чтобы вдумчиво обойти все магазины здесь. Вы сможете найти здесь любого родасувениры.