Akácfa u. 51. (Dob u.), Budapest, Budapest
Klub malam · Zsidónegyed · 25 tips dan ulasan

Tamás Márk P.Tamás Márk Pentz: This is a place for techoheads and DnB diehards. Very lively place, nice atmosphere.

2. Erzsébet tér

Erzsébet tér, Budapest, Budapest
Taman · 70 tips dan ulasan

Tamás Márk P.Tamás Márk Pentz: Great meeting point if you need a common place to start out from. On weekends, you'll find the youth hangin out, preppin for a party. Look around, plenty of great places around.

3. Tesla

Kazinczy u. 21., Budapest, Budapest
Loka Musik · Zsidónegyed · 14 tips dan ulasan

Tamás Márk P.Tamás Márk Pentz: The garden is great, the place itself has the best soundsystem in Hungary. Two bars, good looking place and certainly has a vibe to it.

4. A38 Hajó

Petőfi bridge, Buda side, Budapest, Budapest
Loka Musik · Lágymányos · 134 tips dan ulasan

Tamás Márk P.Tamás Márk Pentz: Great programs, both paid and free (regular free events!) drinks are more or less expensive.