Grad Lunch
Farafina Café and Lounge Harlem is one of Grad Lunch.

1. Farafina Café and Lounge Harlem

1813 Amsterdam Ave (150th and Amsterdam avenue), New York City, NY
Launs · West Harlem · 14 tips dan ulasan
The Grange Bar & Eatery is one of Grad Lunch.

2. The Grange Bar & Eatery

1635 Amsterdam Ave (141st St), New York City, NY
Bar Koktail · West Harlem · 103 tips dan ulasan
Famous Fish Market is one of Grad Lunch.

3. Famous Fish Market

684 Saint Nicholas Ave (btwn W 141st & W 145th St), New York City, NY
Restoran Hidangan Laut · Central Harlem · 52 tips dan ulasan
Harlem Tavern is one of Grad Lunch.

4. Harlem Tavern

2153 Frederick Douglass Blvd (at 116th St), New York City, NY
Bar Olahraga · Central Harlem · 291 tips dan ulasan
Billie's Black is one of Grad Lunch.

5. Billie's Black

271 W 119th St (btwn St Nicholas Ave & Frederick Douglass Blvd), New York City, NY
Restoran Makanan Khas Selatan · Central Harlem · 45 tips dan ulasan
Amy Ruth's is one of Grad Lunch.

6. Amy Ruth's

113 W 116th St (btwn Malcolm X & Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd), New York City, NY
Restoran Makanan Khas Selatan · Central Harlem · 299 tips dan ulasan
Sylvia's Restaurant is one of Grad Lunch.

7. Sylvia's Restaurant

328 Malcolm X Blvd (btwn W 126th & W 127th St), New York City, NY
Restoran Makanan Khas Selatan · Central Harlem · 248 tips dan ulasan