Use the light green MTA ticket machines to get a $5 MetroCard and a LIRR ticket on exit. Better than being forced to spring for a $25 MetroCard at the other machines if you don't need it!
Please disregard the comments about how bad the station may seem. It's a million times better than Penn Station and most people who complain about this station are just scared of the area.
The lines to buy tickets during rush hours are extremely long. Either plan in advance or be prepared to buy aboard the train for a slight premium (beats missing your train!)
Waiting for a train? Don't wait on the platform... head upstairs to Air Bar for hip hopdance party & blockbuster movies w the volume turned down! And then hit the deli for beers to go.
Did you know? The surcharge to buy your ticket on board the train is like $6!. So a 7.50 one way becomes 13.50...completely absurd. Buy ticket in office or your ststion machine!
Una de las opciones más económicas y rápidas para ir hasta el Midtown desde el JFK Airport es el Long Island Rail Road. Para acceder hay que tomar el Airtrain hasta la estación Jamaica.
You can now buy LIRR tickets online. Download the MTA eTix app. You can put a credit card on file. You just need the security code to purchase. Then activate your ticket when you board the train.
If you can't make it to Penn Station to catch the LIRR and you find yourself at 53rd and Lexington (it takes a little over 20 mins to get there), take the E here as long as you have half an hour, you'
Headed to the Hamptons & stressing about getting a seat after the Jamaica train switcharoo? Skip Penn Station & take the 7 train to Hunters Point - board here & you'll already have a seat come Jamaica
Want to get into Manhattan cheaper? Transfer to the E subway train and pay zone 3 prices instead of zone 1. Can get you to upper Manhattan almost as fast as LIRR when E train is running express
Traveling to the Hamptons or JFK, then you’ll have to transfer either to the Double Decker train or the AirTran. Get a seat towards the front of the train for an easy transfer.
Just breathe. The train will be here soon and you can head on out to wherever the hell you’re going. I hope it’s not your second cousin’s birthday. I heard there’s a guacamolefountain.
Use your eyes! Here is actual footage of someone who tried to mind the gap instead of watching the gap.
If you don't know how to use the ticket machines PLEASE go to the tellers downstairs or ask for help from the person behind you. Otherwise you will incur the wrath of people behind you.
Trains going to Penn Station are on tracks 1 and 2. Train to Brooklyn is on track 3. Eastbound trains are more confusing, follow the signs or ask at the info booth.
If you're on track 1 and going to Atlantic (track 3) and don't want to walk up the stairs to transfertracks, just walk right through the Penn Station train on track 2
Если вы поедете из аэропорта к станции Джамайка, то внимательно смотрите на монитор, так как к одной и той же платформе подходят два разных поезда. Один идет к Джамайке, а другой идет к Ховарду.
AirTrain to JFK leaves every 4 to 10 minutes; ride is ~10 minutes. Take elevator, escalator or stairs to top level & head right. Fare is $5 on MetroCard, available from machines. Baca selanjutnya