DC Food and Drink
A. Litteri is one of DC Food and Drink.

1. A. Litteri

517 Morse St NE, Washington, D.C.
Toko Hidangan Istimewa · Ivy City · 37 tips dan ulasan
Mason Dixie Biscuit Company is one of DC Food and Drink.

2. Mason Dixie Biscuit Company

2301 Bladensburg Rd NE, Washington, D.C.
Rumah Makan Fried Chicken · Brentwood - Langdon · 9 tips dan ulasan
American Ice Company is one of DC Food and Drink.

3. American Ice Company

917 V St NW (at 9th St. NW), Washington, D.C.
Kedai BBQ · U-Street · 105 tips dan ulasan
Nellie's Sports Bar is one of DC Food and Drink.

4. Nellie's Sports Bar

900 U St NW (at 9th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar Gay · U-Street · 176 tips dan ulasan
Red Derby is one of DC Food and Drink.

5. Red Derby

3718 14th St NW (at Quincy St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar Selam · Petworth · 93 tips dan ulasan
Meridian Pint is one of DC Food and Drink.

6. Meridian Pint

3400 11th St NW (at Park Rd. NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar · Columbia Heights · 110 tips dan ulasan
Qualia Coffee is one of DC Food and Drink.

7. Qualia Coffee

3917 Georgia Ave NW (btwn Randolph & Shepherd St NW), Washington, D.C.
Warung Kopi · Petworth · 51 tips dan ulasan
The Wonderland Ballroom is one of DC Food and Drink.

8. The Wonderland Ballroom

1101 Kenyon St NW (at 11th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Taman Bir · Columbia Heights · 124 tips dan ulasan
Dan's Cafe is one of DC Food and Drink.

9. Dan's Cafe

2315 18th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Bar Selam · Adams Morgan · 28 tips dan ulasan
Capitol Lounge is one of DC Food and Drink.

10. Capitol Lounge

229 Pennsylvania Ave SE (at 2nd St SE), Washington, D.C.
Bar · Capitol Hill · 53 tips dan ulasan
Madhatter is one of DC Food and Drink.

11. Madhatter

1321 Connecticut Ave NW (btwn Dupont Circle & N St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 161 tips dan ulasan
Jaleo is one of DC Food and Drink.

12. Jaleo

480 7th St NW (at E St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Tapas · 253 tips dan ulasan
Penn Social is one of DC Food and Drink.

13. Penn Social

801 E St NW (at 8th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar · Penn Quarter · 60 tips dan ulasan
Red Velvet Cupcakery is one of DC Food and Drink.

14. Red Velvet Cupcakery

675 E St NW (at 7th St. NW), Washington, D.C.
Toko Kue Mangkuk · Penn Quarter · 106 tips dan ulasan
Pete's New Haven Style Apizza is one of DC Food and Drink.

15. Pete's New Haven Style Apizza

1400 Irving St NW (at 14th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Piza · Columbia Heights · 68 tips dan ulasan
Eighteenth Street Lounge is one of DC Food and Drink.

16. Eighteenth Street Lounge

1212 18th St NW (at Jefferson Pl NW), Washington, D.C.
Launs · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 89 tips dan ulasan
Indique Heights is one of DC Food and Drink.

17. Indique Heights

2 Wisconsin Cir (Friendship Heights Metro Stop), Chevy Chase, MD
Restoran India · 19 tips dan ulasan
The Bombay Club is one of DC Food and Drink.

18. The Bombay Club

815 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran India · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 65 tips dan ulasan

19. Room 11

3234 11th St NW (at Lamont St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar Anggur · Columbia Heights · 82 tips dan ulasan
Port City Brewing Company is one of DC Food and Drink.

20. Port City Brewing Company

3950 Wheeler Ave (at S Floyd St), Alexandria, VA
Tempat Pembuatan Bir · 71 tips dan ulasan
Toki Underground is one of DC Food and Drink.

21. Toki Underground

1234 H St NE (above The Pug), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Mi · Capitol Hill · 180 tips dan ulasan

EaterEater: It's worth the wait for a bowl of the Taiwanese-style ramen that includes varieties like curry chicken and kimchi. Dumplings here are also well worth a try. [Eater 38 Member]

Roofers Union is one of DC Food and Drink.

22. Roofers Union

2446 18th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Bar · Adams Morgan · 50 tips dan ulasan
Ravi Kabob House is one of DC Food and Drink.

23. Ravi Kabob House

305 N Glebe Rd (at Pershing Dr.), Arlington, VA
Restoran Mediterania · 48 tips dan ulasan
Bar Charley is one of DC Food and Drink.

24. Bar Charley

1825 18th St NW (btwn T & Swann), Washington, D.C.
Bar Koktail · Northwest Washington · 49 tips dan ulasan
Pizzeria Paradiso is one of DC Food and Drink.

25. Pizzeria Paradiso

2003 P St NW (at 20th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Piza · Northwest Washington · 125 tips dan ulasan
2 Amys is one of DC Food and Drink.

26. 2 Amys

3715 Macomb St NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Piza · Cathedral - Wesley Heights - McLean Gardens · 166 tips dan ulasan
Tap and Parlour is one of DC Food and Drink.

27. Tap and Parlour

2001 11th St NW (U St.), Washington, D.C.
Bar · U-Street · 43 tips dan ulasan
Smoke & Barrel is one of DC Food and Drink.

28. Smoke & Barrel

2471 18th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Kedai BBQ · Adams Morgan · 121 tips dan ulasan
Estadio is one of DC Food and Drink.

29. Estadio

1520 14th St NW (at Church St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Spanyol · Logan Circle - Shaw · 159 tips dan ulasan
Tune Inn Restaurant & Bar is one of DC Food and Drink.

30. Tune Inn Restaurant & Bar

331 Pennsylvania Ave SE (4th St), Washington, D.C.
Bar Selam · Capitol Hill · 75 tips dan ulasan
Wiseguy NY Pizza is one of DC Food and Drink.

31. Wiseguy NY Pizza

300 Massachusetts Ave NW (at 4th & H St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Piza · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 99 tips dan ulasan
Comet Ping Pong is one of DC Food and Drink.

32. Comet Ping Pong

5037 Connecticut Ave NW (at Nebraska Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Piza · Chevy Chase · 114 tips dan ulasan
Columbia Room is one of DC Food and Drink.

33. Columbia Room

1021 7th St NW (Between New York Ave. & L Street NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar Koktail · Mount Vernon Square · 24 tips dan ulasan
Duke's Grocery is one of DC Food and Drink.

34. Duke's Grocery

1513 17th St NW (btwn Church St & P St NW), Washington, D.C.
Gastropub · Northwest Washington · 131 tips dan ulasan
Little Serow is one of DC Food and Drink.

35. Little Serow

1511 17th St NW (at Church St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Thailand · Northwest Washington · 58 tips dan ulasan
Thaitanic II is one of DC Food and Drink.

36. Thaitanic II

3462 14th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Thailand · Columbia Heights · 23 tips dan ulasan
Pleasant Pops Farmhouse Market & Cafe is one of DC Food and Drink.

37. Pleasant Pops Farmhouse Market & Cafe

1781 Florida Ave NW (at California St NW), Washington, D.C.
Kios Es Krim · Adams Morgan · 56 tips dan ulasan
Dolcezza Artisanal Gelato is one of DC Food and Drink.

38. Dolcezza Artisanal Gelato

1704 Connecticut Ave NW (at R St. NW), Washington, D.C.
Kios Es Krim · Northwest Washington · 105 tips dan ulasan
Maple is one of DC Food and Drink.

39. Maple

3418 11th St NW (btwn Park St. & Monroe St. NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Italia · Columbia Heights · 42 tips dan ulasan
Soi 38 is one of DC Food and Drink.

40. Soi 38

2101 L St NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Thailand · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 20 tips dan ulasan
Sauf Haus Bier Hall is one of DC Food and Drink.

41. Sauf Haus Bier Hall

1216 18th St NW (at Jefferson Pl NW), Washington, D.C.
Taman Bir · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 31 tips dan ulasan
Graffiato is one of DC Food and Drink.

42. Graffiato

707 6th St NW (btwn G & H St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Italia · Chinatown · 189 tips dan ulasan
G by Mike Isabella is one of DC Food and Drink.

43. G by Mike Isabella

2201 14th St NW (at W St NW), Washington, D.C.
Toko Sandwich · U-Street · 52 tips dan ulasan
Uptown Tap House is one of DC Food and Drink.

44. Uptown Tap House

3412 Connecticut Ave NW (at Newark St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar · Cleveland Park · 23 tips dan ulasan
Harold Black is one of DC Food and Drink.

45. Harold Black

212 7th St SE, Washington, D.C.
Tempat Rahasia · Capitol Hill · 17 tips dan ulasan
So's Your Mom is one of DC Food and Drink.

46. So's Your Mom

1831 Columbia Rd NW, Washington, D.C.
Toko Roti Bagel · Adams Morgan · 42 tips dan ulasan
Mandu is one of DC Food and Drink.

47. Mandu

1805 18th St NW (at S St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Korea · Northwest Washington · 64 tips dan ulasan
Jack Rose Dining Saloon is one of DC Food and Drink.

48. Jack Rose Dining Saloon

2007 18th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Bar Whisky · Adams Morgan · 142 tips dan ulasan
Zorba's Cafe is one of DC Food and Drink.

49. Zorba's Cafe

1612 20th St NW (at Connecticut Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Yunani · Northwest Washington · 68 tips dan ulasan
Pop's SeaBar is one of DC Food and Drink.

50. Pop's SeaBar

1817 Columbia Rd NW (at Biltmore St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Hidangan Laut · Adams Morgan · 14 tips dan ulasan
Kogibow Bakery is one of DC Food and Drink.

51. Kogibow Bakery

1817 Adams Mill Rd NW (Columbia Rd.), Washington, WA
Toko Roti · Adams Morgan · 6 tips dan ulasan
Teaism is one of DC Food and Drink.

52. Teaism

2009 R St NW (at Connecticut Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Ruang Teh · Northwest Washington · 85 tips dan ulasan
Greek Deli & Catering is one of DC Food and Drink.

53. Greek Deli & Catering

1120 19th St NW (btwn L & M St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Yunani · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 55 tips dan ulasan
Etto is one of DC Food and Drink.

54. Etto

1541 14th St NW (at Q St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Italia · Logan Circle - Shaw · 43 tips dan ulasan
The Red Hen is one of DC Food and Drink.

55. The Red Hen

1822 1st St NW (at Seaton Pl NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Italia · LeDroit Park - Bloomingdale · 85 tips dan ulasan
Astro Doughnuts & Fried Chicken is one of DC Food and Drink.

56. Astro Doughnuts & Fried Chicken

1308 G St NW (btwn 13th and 14th st), Washington, D.C.
Toko Donat · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 96 tips dan ulasan
Beau Thai is one of DC Food and Drink.

57. Beau Thai

3162 Mount Pleasant St NW (at Kilbourne Pl NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Thailand · Mount Pleasant · 32 tips dan ulasan
London Curry House is one of DC Food and Drink.

58. London Curry House

191 Somervelle St, Alexandria, VA
Restoran India · Cameron Station · 6 tips dan ulasan
Dupont Market is one of DC Food and Drink.

59. Dupont Market

1807 18th St NW (at S St NW), Washington, D.C.
Deli · Northwest Washington · 31 tips dan ulasan
ChurchKey is one of DC Food and Drink.

60. ChurchKey

1337 14th St NW (at Rhode Island Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar Bir · Logan Circle - Shaw · 294 tips dan ulasan
The Passenger is one of DC Food and Drink.

61. The Passenger

1021 7th St NW (at L St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar Koktail · Mount Vernon Square · 116 tips dan ulasan
Naan & Beyond is one of DC Food and Drink.

62. Naan & Beyond

1710 L St NW (btwn 17th St NW & Connecticut Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran India · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 25 tips dan ulasan
Sacrificial Lamb is one of DC Food and Drink.

63. Sacrificial Lamb

1704 R St NW (btwn 17th St & New Hampshire Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran India · Northwest Washington · 29 tips dan ulasan
Tacos El Chilango is one of DC Food and Drink.

64. Tacos El Chilango

1119 V St NW (at 10th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Taco · U-Street · 40 tips dan ulasan
Curbside Cupcake Cafe is one of DC Food and Drink.

65. Curbside Cupcake Cafe

257 15th St SE (C St), Washington, D.C.
Toko Kue Mangkuk · Hill East · 12 tips dan ulasan
Di Pasquale's Italian Marketplace is one of DC Food and Drink.

66. Di Pasquale's Italian Marketplace

3700 Gough St, Baltimore, MD
Restoran Italia · Southeastern Baltimore · 59 tips dan ulasan
Cusbah is one of DC Food and Drink.

67. Cusbah

1128 H St NE (at 12th St NE), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Pakistan · Capitol Hill · 27 tips dan ulasan
Florida Avenue Grill is one of DC Food and Drink.

68. Florida Avenue Grill

1100 Florida Ave NW (at 11th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Makanan Khas Selatan · Columbia Heights · 69 tips dan ulasan
Mama Ayesha's is one of DC Food and Drink.

69. Mama Ayesha's

1967 Calvert St NW (at Biltmore St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Timur Tengah · Adams Morgan · 32 tips dan ulasan
Stoney's is one of DC Food and Drink.

70. Stoney's

1433 P St NW (btwn 14th & 15th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Amerika · Logan Circle - Shaw · 124 tips dan ulasan
Well-Dressed Burrito is one of DC Food and Drink.

71. Well-Dressed Burrito

1220 19th St NW (N Street NW - In the Alley), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Burrito · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 46 tips dan ulasan
Slipstream is one of DC Food and Drink.

72. Slipstream

1333 14th St NW (at Rhode Island Ave NW), Washington, D.C.
Kafe · Logan Circle - Shaw · 82 tips dan ulasan
Menomalé Pizza Napoletana is one of DC Food and Drink.

73. Menomalé Pizza Napoletana

2711 12th St NE (at Evarts St NE), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Piza · Brookland · 55 tips dan ulasan
Yuan Fu Vegetarian is one of DC Food and Drink.

74. Yuan Fu Vegetarian

798 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD
Restoran Vegan dan Vegetarian · East Rockville · 22 tips dan ulasan
Panda Gourmet is one of DC Food and Drink.

75. Panda Gourmet

2700 New York Ave NE (at Bladensburg Rd NE), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Cina · Brentwood - Langdon · 32 tips dan ulasan
La Colombe Coffee Roasters is one of DC Food and Drink.

76. La Colombe Coffee Roasters

924 Blagden Alley NW (btwn M, N, 9th & 10th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Warung Kopi · Logan Circle - Shaw · 131 tips dan ulasan
Maketto is one of DC Food and Drink.

77. Maketto

1351 H St NE (Linden Ct), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Asia · Capitol Hill · 65 tips dan ulasan
Thip Khao is one of DC Food and Drink.

78. Thip Khao

3462 14th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Asia · Columbia Heights · 50 tips dan ulasan
Mayur Kabab House is one of DC Food and Drink.

79. Mayur Kabab House

1108 K St NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran India · Downtown-Penn Quarter-Chinatown · 21 tips dan ulasan
Tonic is one of DC Food and Drink.

80. Tonic

2036 G St NW (at 21st St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Amerika · George Washington University · 119 tips dan ulasan
Bar Pilar is one of DC Food and Drink.

81. Bar Pilar

1833 14th St NW (btwn S & T St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar Koktail · U-Street · 93 tips dan ulasan
Rito Loco is one of DC Food and Drink.

82. Rito Loco

606 Florida Ave NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Burrito · U-Street · 8 tips dan ulasan
Garrison is one of DC Food and Drink.

83. Garrison

524 8th St SE, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Amerika Baru · Capitol Hill · 6 tips dan ulasan
Boundary Stone Public House is one of DC Food and Drink.

84. Boundary Stone Public House

116 Rhode Island Ave NW (btwn 1st & 2nd St. NW), Washington, D.C.
Pub · LeDroit Park - Bloomingdale · 107 tips dan ulasan
The Dabney is one of DC Food and Drink.

85. The Dabney

122 Blagden Alley NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Amerika · Logan Circle - Shaw · 36 tips dan ulasan
Chaia is one of DC Food and Drink.

86. Chaia

3207 Grace St NW (btwn Wisconsin Ave & Cecil Pl NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Taco · Georgetown · 34 tips dan ulasan
100 Montaditos is one of DC Food and Drink.

87. 100 Montaditos

300 Tingey St SE (at 4th St SE), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Spanyol · Navy Yard · 15 tips dan ulasan
Takoda is one of DC Food and Drink.

88. Takoda

715 Florida Ave NW (at 8th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Amerika Baru · U-Street · 16 tips dan ulasan
The Pig is one of DC Food and Drink.

89. The Pig

1320 14th St NW (btwn Rhode Island Ave & N St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Amerika Baru · Logan Circle - Shaw · 143 tips dan ulasan
Reren Lamen & Bar is one of DC Food and Drink.

90. Reren Lamen & Bar

817 7th St NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Ramen · Chinatown · 25 tips dan ulasan
Un Je Ne Sais Quoi is one of DC Food and Drink.

91. Un Je Ne Sais Quoi

1361 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Perancis · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 25 tips dan ulasan
Chao Ku is one of DC Food and Drink.

92. Chao Ku

1414 9th St NW (at P St NW), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Cina · Logan Circle - Shaw · 4 tips dan ulasan
BadWolf Brewing Company is one of DC Food and Drink.

93. BadWolf Brewing Company

8420 Kao Cir, Manassas, VA
Tempat Pembuatan Bir · 4 tips dan ulasan
Caboose Brewing Company is one of DC Food and Drink.

94. Caboose Brewing Company

520 Mill St NE, Vienna, VA
Tempat Pembuatan Bir · 20 tips dan ulasan
La Puerta Verde is one of DC Food and Drink.

95. La Puerta Verde

2001 Fenwick St NE (at Okie St NE), Washington, D.C.
Restoran Meksiko · Ivy City · 13 tips dan ulasan
Nido is one of DC Food and Drink.

96. Nido

2214 Rhode Island Ave NE, Washington, D.C.
Restoran Mediterania · Brookland · 5 tips dan ulasan